But wait, there's more...
Alright ... help me look smart! A difficult feat, I know!
Monday, I noticed a slight twitch/ripple action in my monitor at work. After checking the obvious (plugs) and rebooting a time or too, it continued AND got worse (and gave me a raging headached). Tuesday, still going on. I call IT, they come up, bring a new monitor to see if mine's going bad. That one does it too. First thoughts were some sort of magnetic interference causing the problem. They replace the video card in my PC. Still happening. Go home with a raging headache AGAIN from the eye strain. So today, I took my laptop from home in, b/c I'll be damned if I get another headache from that crap.
So with my laptop there, I notice there's no twitching going on, eliminating the issue of some sort of interference (unless it's cuz my laptop screen doesn't have the magnetic thing that most standard desktops do). So we hook my laptop up to the regular monitor and violo -- no twitching/rippling on the monitor.
So my next guess is that it's a CPU issue ... power supply maybe? :shrug: Any thoughts? The IT guys are baffled.
Monday, I noticed a slight twitch/ripple action in my monitor at work. After checking the obvious (plugs) and rebooting a time or too, it continued AND got worse (and gave me a raging headached). Tuesday, still going on. I call IT, they come up, bring a new monitor to see if mine's going bad. That one does it too. First thoughts were some sort of magnetic interference causing the problem. They replace the video card in my PC. Still happening. Go home with a raging headache AGAIN from the eye strain. So today, I took my laptop from home in, b/c I'll be damned if I get another headache from that crap.
So with my laptop there, I notice there's no twitching going on, eliminating the issue of some sort of interference (unless it's cuz my laptop screen doesn't have the magnetic thing that most standard desktops do). So we hook my laptop up to the regular monitor and violo -- no twitching/rippling on the monitor.
So my next guess is that it's a CPU issue ... power supply maybe? :shrug: Any thoughts? The IT guys are baffled.