Originally posted by BchBns
well, that's fine and dandy and all, but public schools can't talk about religion -- Not Any ... I'd rather my daughter go to catholic school and learn some solid morals/values to life and something about religion than take a stab at her not learning about any in public school ... aside from what I teach her, of course.
Anything outside of the box wasn't actually bad, because it was never discussed in the first place. I had a chance to take a class on Eastern Religions with him and he about flipped.. He quickly found out that everything wasn't so cut and dry and that there was actually a different side to everything he had been taught. Were the things he was taught wrong? Probably not. But his education was limited. He quickly realized that this strong pillar he had built his life upon wasn't so sturdy after all, and it scared him to death. Letting go of this pillar is so much easier when you know there are other ones waiting to support you..
Originally posted by Christy
Well then I guess he wasn't quite the "Christian" he thought he was then.
Originally posted by missi1013
Ummmm. Small Town. In school theres NO talk of God and the bible, not even in the small groups. It's more like drugs, sex, and parties! And how long have you been out of school?
Originally posted by BchBns
didn't his parents do anything to further his knowledge beyond catholic school about other religions? I mean, if I send my daughter to catholic school, I hardly expect her to come home and discuss muslim culture or judaism.
Originally posted by BchBns
I'd hope that, upon learning that the person is not muslim and they invited a muslim, that the muslim might make mention of this.
Originally posted by BchBns
kids in school (with the exception of the doogie howsers) for the most part don't have the life experience and interactions with people to grasp the depth of the various religions and cultures;
Originally posted by SmallTown
We can't even get women to tell us what they really want, we're supposed to expect someone who has never eaten pork in his life (without a second thought) mention this before dinner?
Originally posted by BchBns
Agreed, but let's be real, here. Who'd you rather learn the facts about another religion from? Your 50-year-old, never-stepped-outside-the-school-grounds teacher, or an actual muslim or jewish person over a mutually pleasing dinner of eachother's choice?
Must be a Southern Maryland thing because we were always curious about others and people were open when talking about their different cultures and heritages. My niece is in school and things haven't changed since I was there. I'm sorry the schools here are not the same way..
Originally posted by jazz lady
If somebody had special dietary needs, regardless of whether it is based on religion, allergies, or personal preference, I would hope they would say so beforehand.
Originally posted by Christy
And what school did you attend? UN High?"Today's lesson will be Pork, and it's impact on diversity".
A regular ol public school in Virginia, nothing out of the ordinary.. I wasn't taught these things by the teachers.. I became exposed to the jewish culture in second grade when I became friends with this jewish girl.. I learned a little about muslims when I became friends with a kid from Pakistan in the 4th grade.. A little about hindu when I became friends with a guy from india in the 6th grade. Nothing out of the ordinary. I didn't come out thinking I was an expert in these religions, but I found it interesting (so did others in my classes) and learned a few things along the way.
Originally posted by SmallTown
I really doubt you would just walk into a restaurant and say "I'll take anything but dog", especially if you had no idea that dog was an option.
Originally posted by SmallTown
Well, you see.. It is NOT a "special" dietary need to them..
Much like we wouldn't dare (well, most of us) eat a dog, but in some countries this is highly acceptable.. I really doubt you would just walk into a restaurant and say "I'll take anything but dog", especially if you had no idea that dog was an option.