Moose and Mike sans Mike???


New Member
I am curious too. The station management is so poor. How many radio personalities have we had in the last year? Too many! Also, when they do hire they work them to death. 6 days a week?!? Not much time for a personal life.


New Member
I thought they fed off of each other well but if either of them had to go, I'm glad it was Mike and not Moose.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
The woman that is calling in every morning and playing trivia irritates the hell out of me.


Resident PIA
eddiek said:
I am curious too. The station management is so poor. How many radio personalities have we had in the last year? Too many! Also, when they do hire they work them to death. 6 days a week?!? Not much time for a personal life.
Poor? I've heard stories that it borders on sleazy. That personalities have been lured there from other local stations with the offer of a nice salary but asked to sign a "no compete" contract. Then they are terminated - leaving them with no choice but to go out of market for work.
BS Gal said:
The woman that is calling in every morning and playing trivia irritates the hell out of me.
Give nomoney a break. How else is she supposed to get free stuff to put on eBay for fast cash?


New Member
BS Gal said:
The woman that is calling in every morning and playing trivia irritates the hell out of me.

:yeahthat: Yea if she hasn't hinted around every way possible to want to get into Moose's pants I don't know what she's done..