More controversy with Youth Football in St. Mary's


There is a Parks and Rec meeting tonight where the county will outline their future plans for youth football. Not sure if that's controversy but I'm sure there will be a spirited discussion.


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You started a whole thread for this, please expand on the word "controversy", what are you talking about or implying?

We played them last week in a scrimmage and I thought they were well organized for it being their first year. Not sure what the problem is?:coffee:


New Member
What is going on with SMYFL?
We are getting ready for our first season of Tackle Football.

Riddler said:
There is a Parks and Rec meeting tonight where the county will outline their future plans for youth football. Not sure if that's controversy but I'm sure there will be a spirited discussion.

There is a Citizen Advisory Board meeting tonight at 5:30 where Recs & Parks will be proposing a plan for the County Gov't to manage the youth football in St. Mary's County.

We encourage the community to come out and voice their opinions no matter which way they lean.
bfncbs1 said:
We played them last week in a scrimmage and I thought they were well organized for it being their first year. Not sure what the problem is?

Thank you!
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New Member
We are getting ready for our first season of Tackle Football.

There is a Citizen Advisory Board meeting tonight at 5:30 where Recs & Parks will be proposing a plan for the County Gov't to manage the youth football in St. Mary's County.

We encourage the community to come out and voice their opinions no matter which way they lean.

Thank you!

The board meeting starts at 5:30pm, but the football stuff doesn't start until 6:30? Correct?


New Member
To be honest with you I moved to the area earlier this year and don't know anything about Pigskin other than trying to read Jr.'s posts.


To be honest with you I moved to the area earlier this year and don't know anything about Pigskin other than trying to read Jr.'s posts.

That's enough to give you an inkling into how football used to be done here in the county.
You can't believe how things have changed for the better. The thread on Pigskin football doesn't do the situation justiice.
Support your league and have fun - it goes by way too fast. My boys are in High School and love football, team sports and I believe they are better for it.
Hats off to all the coaches and volunteers>>>