More illegals run amok *ho hum* but the twist is HILARIOUS!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Strap him to a small ICBM, non-nuclear of course, and send him home. No real sense sending him without sending a message.
Imagine the message it would send to bomb them with a couple hundred of their own criminals.

From a couple thousand feet, the splatter would make Jackson Pollock jealous.


Well-Known Member

OMG :roflmao:

"Mmm....nah. He's yours now...."


I mean, there's an obvious solution to this dilemma but Democrats are too corrupt and stupid to implement it.
“APD will not tolerate violent crime in our communities,” Aurora police reportedly said.

Illegal immigrant crime in this region is nothing new. Last month, Townhall covered how two Denver councilmembers acknowledged that the influx of illegal immigration into the city over the past 18 months has contributed to the uptick in crime in certain areas.

My late wife and I used to have friends in Aurora, many, many years ago. In fact, we last visited them in '99. The place was a sh*thole then. Good to see it's only gotten worse.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Now, get this .... Saint Mary's County is considered a sanctuary County by ICE. Per their ENFORCEMENT & REMOVAL OPERATIONS


Now, doesn't everyone just feel so much better knowing that the St. Mary's County Sheriff cares so much about illegal aliens in his own backyard? I wonder how many criminal aliens the Sheriff has allowed to be released back into the community instead of giving them over to ICE? Do you think he'll supply the answer?

Yet another reason the 2nd amendment is so important when defending your family. The St. Mary's County Sheriff is telling the public to their face: YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU! Arm yourself appropriately.

If the Sheriff attends the County Fair, maybe someone should ask him about his illegal alien sanctuary policy?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Now, doesn't everyone just feel so much better knowing that the St. Mary's County Sheriff cares so much about illegal aliens in his own backyard? I wonder how many criminal aliens the Sheriff has allowed to be released back into the community instead of giving them over to ICE? Do you think he'll supply the answer?

I'm not positive of this, but I don't think the Sheriff has anything to say about it. I'm guessing the Commissioners would make those decisions.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I'm not positive of this, but I don't think the Sheriff has anything to say about it. I'm guessing the Commissioners would make those decisions.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Sorry. You would be incorrect. This would be a policy of the Sheriff's Office, since it is the Sheriff's Office that ICE deals with regarding illegal alien detainers. Also, when was the last time you ever heard of County Commissioners telling an elected Sheriff how to perform law enforcement operations? Additionally, notice in the list that it specifies the "St. Mary's County Detention Center". For a constitutionally elected office, it seems counterintuitive that a Sheriff would go against the laws he has sworn to protect and enforce. Time for a new Sheriff in St Mary's County.

Now, in a municipality, or city or town with a corporate charter, those police can be told what to do because they are a department of a municipality, or chartered government, and therefore fall under the control of a mayor, town council, or city council. As far as I understand it.