More on Marriage Counseling


Transam's wife
If you have children, Center For Children is a good one. they have done family counseling for us before. also, there is Pastoral counseling in the Park.


It aint none of my buisness but counseling will only work if BOTH parties are willing to do it, if your the only one in the relationship trying to keep it together....then it aint gonna work
good luck to you though :yay:


It aint none of my buisness but counseling will only work if BOTH parties are willing to do it, if your the only one in the relationship trying to keep it together....then it aint gonna work
good luck to you though :yay:
:yeahthat: It really helps to go on a regular basis once you get started. You can't just go in for a checkup. I have some friends that actually think that one time is all they need.:duh:


But wait, there's more...
I have some friends that actually think that one time is all they need.:duh:

It doesn't take long for the counselor to see that it's always the man's fault and to let him know that. Why keep going/paying? :shrug:

j/k ... :lol:

Good luck! :yay: