more on zylak...


New Member
well it seems everyone wants me to defend my opinion. one guy even "challenged" me to defend it. first off let em point out the obvious, zylak was responsible for everything that went on in the jail, correct?

from what i gather from reading newspapers and talking with my co workers, the jail was short staffed. they did not have a mental health physician on staff at the time, maybe not even now. zylak being the boss was in charge, was in charge of hiring the staff, but why didnt he hire a psychiatrist or mental counselor? i believe other jails have then and it should be a requirement considering the environment and occupants. also others jail have programs that they require their staff to complete, that teaches them how to be on the look out for suicidal inmates and how to take precautuions if one is discovered. if he was in charge, which he was, why didnt he do all this? it is HIS responsibility, and job.
there was no reason for him not to, i mean he had the budget for it.

the paper mention breifly that zylak and another person in the facility were repremanded for what happened. why didnt he come forward and be honest about what happened if he was repremanded? why did it suface now? it is a big deal that everyone should know about, especially since is campaign is centered around how "well" he ran the detention center. if it obvious he cannot run a small jail, then how, pray tell, does he expect to run a county? do we want a "leader' that doesnt even take repsonsibility for his own actions? one that afraid of his mistakes?

from what i've heard the boy was displaying tell talle signs of depression. a couple of the staff members noted this behavior and asked that he be on suicide watch. zylak needs to approve the switch from normal watch to suicide watch but he refused to do it fdor some reason. why? if someone is displaying signs of depression and talking about suicide shouldnt they put him on some special watch? especially if he had a history of mental illness. so we can assume that zylak knew about his mental health before and after he refused to put him on suicide watch.
also with this young man speaking of suicide and stuff, why did he have shoe laces in the first place. i would also assume that the staff should've taken the initiative and removed them from his possesion as well.

my point is simple, zylak is not a good leader, the evidence speaks for itself.


New Member
IMO, if a person want's to commit suicide while incarcerated, so be it. That's just one less criminal to worry about AND pay for. Why should my tax dollars be spent on inmates to get the best possible counselors, rehabilitators...etc? Isn't it enough that they get 3 meals a day, watch t.v., play sports, make crafts???

I think inmates sometimes have it better than I do. :rolleyes:


yeah yeah
I agree with you Sxy. That is one less dollar that we have to shell out for another idiot that was removed from society for obvious reasons.

I understand the right to human life and such. So dont start that arguement. I do not think that we should have to pay the psych bills for this character though. JMO.

Now also in regards to what BCH said, with

"Yes, we all know he was in charge, and yes, the person in charge is overall responsible. But sometimes, people in charge tell someone under them what to do, and for some reason, that person doesn't do what they are told. So how do you hang someone for that? Have you considered that possibility?"

There is such thing as chain of command. Yes, he was at the top of the food chain....but the others in the unit are just there to stare at the walls? I think not. If they are given a task and are willing to take it on, then that is what happens. I am sure your boss or higher up does it with you like the rest of us. That is what we do "work".

Check your stats before firing the mouth!


New Member
you call that an answer?

ok im getting a little tired of every one saying how honorable zylak is for posting on here. am i the only one the noticed he said nothing really? he came on said somehting about not being able to say anything, mentioned some complaint about his rights being violated and then left. ok.... i dont thinik he really did anything but say his right were cal that an answer?? i dont, and i believe the investigation is completed.

oh and about how no one should care if a person in jail dies. how many people find themselves in jail overnight for for whatever reason? are you saying that your father or wife should just be allowed to die just because they are in jail. so you mean to tell me that if your father were in jail for lets say, something being drunk inpublic. then lets say he gets depressed because your embarassed and somehow get the notion to off himself. well acording to what you say. he deserved it. my point is this your attitude would probably be a little different if this were your fatrher, sister or even just some one you personally knew. comforting yourself with thoughts like "no they would never end up in jail to begin with", well im confident that this young mans family and friends were thinking the same thing.


New Member

My dad is a police officer so he's spent many days/nights at a jail. Not once did he get the urge to "off" himself. :rolleyes: :lol:

Honestly, if a family member of mine ended up in jail, it's obviously because they disobeyed the law and indeed, deserve to be there. Regardless of how many days they are incarcerated..they NEED to serve their time and get on with life.

We are talking about someone with a mental illness. Regardless of medication and therapy, they are still going to be "messed" in the head. How do you deal with someone like that? There's no way you can keep an eye on them 24/7, nor should anyone have to.



Maybe you should change your nick to airhead6! Give me a break. Because of the ongoing investigation, Zylak can't say anything about the case. I am sure the facts will come out in due time. This was obviously a political move on the part of someone who doesn't want to see Zylak take over the Shariffs Office.
If I am not mistaken, Zylak was appointed to the job by the Sheriff, just like the deputy that replaced him(BTW another political move)
Oh and by the way, I have had a couple family members take their own lives. The big difference is that they were not in jail at the time.


New Member
do unto others

i think that people with mental illness shouldl be held accountable for breaking the law.i also think they should have access to medical care.everyone knows zylak could not run the detention center approppriately.zylak was removed after the investigation.there is alot more to this investigation than the newspaper is reporting.the mole will tell more the meantime have aheart


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
One thing I do want to point out about the jail being understaffed and without a mental health physician - that's not Zylak's fault. Is he supposed to pay personnel out of his own pocket?

Also, it's tough to get people to man the jail simply because of people like this kid who killed himself. Not only are they in danger from the prisoners, but they are in danger of being targeted for lawsuits from people who don't feel they were treated properly in jail. Who wants a job like that?

Becky and Airguy are the same person anyway - there can't possibly be two of them with the exact same spelling, punctuation and capitalization issues.

See you next Tuesday, AirBecky!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
are you saying that your father or wife should just be allowed to die just because they are in jail.
Also, that kid wasn't "allowed to die" - he killed himself. Big difference. And most people who go to jail don't kill themselves. The vast majority of them serve their time, then get released to prey on society again.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I had to laugh at AirBecky's insinuation that it's fairly normal to find yourself incarcerated at some point in your life. Not sure what kind of circles you're running in, friend, but I've never spent one minute in a jail cell. Nor have most people in the US. The reason is very simple - the vast majority of the citizenry obeys the law. It's not like you're just walking along, minding your own business, and some cop comes and tosses you in the pokey.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
... Becky and Airguy are the same person anyway - there can't possibly be two of them with the exact same spelling, punctuation and capitalization issues....
Damn, does that ever sound familiar!


Cleopatra Jones
It's not like you're just walking along, minding your own business, and some cop comes and tosses you in the pokey.

You know I did have a cop scare the living crap out of me one day. I was out in the driveway washing my car minding my own business when a cop drives past my house. He drove to the end of the street, turned around in the culdesac and parked right in front of my driveway. He gets out of his car starts walking up to me and says "Are you (my name)?" I'm about to pee my pants at this point wondering what in the hell did I do for cops to come looking for me... Anyway, it ended up being this kid I knew when I was little. His grandmother use to babysit me back in the day. I probably hadn't seen him since I was 6 maybe 7. He heard I was living around here again and decided to pay a visit. It was nice to see him of course but the entrance could have been a little less dramatic, lol.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Becky and Airguy are the same person anyway - there can't possibly be two of them with the exact same spelling, punctuation and capitalization issues.

I suspect that has happened a few times this election season. Similar to how candidates get their supporters and friends to spam the newspapers with letters all at once.

But there probably isn't a way of detecting multiple members from one person (IP addresses, for example) that wouldn't raise privacy questions.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Heck, you don't even have to cheat to see someone's multiple "personality". All you have to do is look at their posts.

Pixie, the only time I've ever been scared by a cop was when one knocked on my door at midnight. We had had some vandalism going on in our neighborhood so the cops had been patrolling and saw a kid dart around our house. The cop said, "Ma'am, is your son at home?" I said, "God, I hope so!" Anyway, Doug was in bed asleep (thank ya, Jesus) and they caught the kid - some butthead from the next neighborhood. But other than that, I've never had a cop make me break a sweat. The policeman is your friend!


I guess it's just the age we live in.... But have you ever noticed how often people just love to play the blame game? You say that it's Zylak's fault this young man killed himself.

What ever happend to personal responsibility? Have you ever dealt with a person who wants to die? Obviously the answer to this is NO!

The Detention Center is a jail...Not a Day Care Center. It is clear that you have never stepped foot into the General Population area's of this facility!

Reading your posts make me sick! You are pointing fingers, making allegations without the first thread of evidence and lashing out without an ounce of intelligence.

Your not helping Mickey airhead6! Your hurting him. I am a Republican - Naturally I would have voted for Mickey. After reading all of this horrific trash I have changed my mind.

You can be sure that what goes around comes around. Be careful, you may find yourself blamed on day for an offense you adult child commits or worse! :eek:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Barb, did you happen to notice if the sign said "Paid for by Mickey Bailey for Sheriff"? That would disappoint me. I never would have figured Mickey for someone who'd get into dirty politics like that. How bad do you really want to be Sheriff, Mickey?

Not only that but the whole Sheriff's campaign is disappointing. I know I'm supposed to be appalled at the "thin blue line" but cops are supposed to be brothers/sisters and stick up for each other. What's happening to your fellow cop could just as easily happen to you and to use it as a political tool is just wrong.


New Member

Here's some answers to airguy's questions and comments. Sorry if this is reply is not in the proper "format", I'm still learning my way around here!


first off let em point out the obvious, zylak was responsible for everything that went on in the jail, correct?

-----Actually, the man ultimately responsible for the overall operation of the Detention Center is the Sheriff, which would be Voorhaar.


from what i gather from reading newspapers and talking with my co workers, the jail was short staffed. they did not have a mental health physician on staff at the time

-----True statement. They have been shortstaffed for a long time, both before Zylak was assigned there, and after he left. They are shortstaffed because the Corrections Officers were lower paid that those of surrounding counties. This low pay issue falls to the County Commissioners because they control the purse strings for the Sheriff's Office. Obviously, if you're looking for employment in that line of work, you go where the money is.



zylak being the boss was in charge, was in charge of hiring the staff, but why didnt he hire a psychiatrist or mental counselor?

-----Actually, the job of acquiring staff for the Detention Center and the Sheriff's Office would be the Personnel Coordinator for the agency - Tom Sacks who ran for Sheriff.



the paper mention breifly that zylak and another person in the facility were repremanded for what happened. why didnt he come forward and be honest about what happened if he was repremanded?

-----The agency investigation has not been concluded, therefore he is prohibited from saying anything, according to policy.



why did it suface now?

-----Well, it is an election year....



my point is simple, zylak is not a good leader, the evidence speaks for itself.

-----Your "evidence" is based on innuendo and rumor. That's not evidence.