More younger children are having sex


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
I'll bet you're right - that's what activists are blaming. The problem is that when the US did the great condom drop, African men wouldn't use them because it conflicts with their culture or some stupid thing. So they can blame whatever they like on the AIDS epidemic in Africa, but the fact is that Africans are killing themselves and there's nothing we can do about it, so we should stay out of it.
Well, I was just commenting that, while this may or may not be true - the article mentions nothing about church or Catholicism, and mentions the word 'condom' exactly once - that a fraction of the population didn't believe they worked.

It may be that what people are speculating is true, but I haven't actually seen anything claiming it.


curiouser and curiouser
One in 10 said they believed sex with a virgin could cure HIV/Aids, and one in 10 had been raped in the past year. Three out of every 100 pupils thought that girls liked sexually violent boys and one out of every 10 thought that girls who got raped, asked for it, according to the study.
It's amazing that there are still people out there that are this ignorant, and even more amazing that noone in their country is stepping up to spread the word that their assumptions are wrong. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
Nickel said:
It's amazing that there are still people out there that are this ignorant, and even more amazing that noone in their country is stepping up to spread the word that their assumptions are wrong. :ohwell:
It really wouldn't surprise me to find these kinds of numbers in different parts of THIS country. Not across the board mind you, but definitely in some geographic enclaves.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
It may be that what people are speculating is true, but I haven't actually seen anything claiming it.
Here's a couple:
Church doctrine condemns the use of condoms as twice sinful-both as contraceptives and as promoters of promiscuity. Much to the consternation and disagreement of public health experts, Vatican spokesmen also regularly question whether condoms prevent sexual transmission of the virus.
The education and advocacy group's president said the Catholic Church's opposition to condoms is contributing to AIDS-related deaths worldwide. This provoked organizers to launch a global advertising campaign to publicize the problem.
You mentioned earlier that you didn't see why the Catholic church's condom stance would matter since not many Africans are Catholic. Well, here's why (and this'll kill ya): Catholic missionaries go over there to help these folks, teach them and spread the gospel. But activists blame AIDS on them because they don't include condom use as part of their teaching - they preach abstinence instead.


Now the obvious question to ask these activists is, "Then why don't YOU go over and preach about condoms?"


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Here's a couple:

You mentioned earlier that you didn't see why the Catholic church's condom stance would matter since not many Africans are Catholic. Well, here's why (and this'll kill ya): Catholic missionaries go over there to help these folks, teach them and spread the gospel. But activists blame AIDS on them because they don't include condom use as part of their teaching - they preach abstinence instead.
Well the second quote supports what was said, earlier. Thank you for that - I hadn't heard the accusation before, and I do think the idea is outstandingly dumb.

I haven't been a Catholic in twenty five years - although I was raised one - but I do think it gets an abnormally bad rap for what it does. When you have an organization that spans 2000 years and *BILLIONS* of adherents - you absolutely will have terrible things happen. I've often commented that, when a school has a couple dozen thugs and criminals roaming its halls, the fact that 95% of the kids are good, normal teenagers gets overlooked. Same with Catholicism - a few HUNDRED bad priests is terrible, but tens of thousands really do a stellar job.

But - per my Africa comment - *actually*, my comment pertains specifically to SOUTH Africa, the nation - which is largely Protestant. So, African Catholic 'missionaries' wouldn't be the reason - or to blame. Same goes for many of the northern and west African nations, which aren't heavily Catholic - they're mostly Muslim. Catholic missionaries in some of those nations aren't tolerated.

I just wonder why it's so easy to blame Catholics. Italy is almost 100% Catholic - but you don't see people blaming Catholics there, for the spread of AIDS - and it exists THERE, too. The problem goes far deeper than religion.


Seems to me as long as they keep looking for someone else to blame for the fact they are acting like stupid animals they will keep dying by the thousands. who are we to goof with natural selection:shrug:


I wonder when the last survey was done similar to this?

They say more children are having sex....what if it's actually stayed about the same in relation to the ratio of the population? Or even gone down?


Routinely Derailed
vraiblonde said:
Now the obvious question to ask these activists is, "Then why don't YOU go over and preach about condoms?"
activist: n. One who calls for action but does nothing directly on his/her own. See "Underemployed."


New Member
SamSpade said:
I didn't see that. And I wonder why it'd matter, since South Africa is only like 6 to 7% Catholic.

:yeahthat: I was wondering why the Catholic church was even brought up.

A lot of Sub-Saharan African countries have pretty screwed up sexual concepts. IE many men like prostitutes to douche with water white bleach so that the bleach would dry her up which will create more friction. Unfortunately dry sex = more likely for her to get small tears which increases the chance of disease transmission. Also the idea of having sex with virgins curing AIDS/HIV which was mentioned is pretty widely spread.

AIDS is wide spread in SE Asia also and the reason for there is that men just do not like using condoms even when having sex with prostitutes. Then they go home and pass it on to their wives. Also in Thailand young girls are sold or sent to work as prostitutes in the city to support their family in the country and pass for their borther's schooling.

I think both in Africa and SE Asia it's not the Catholic church's fault. The church isn't forcing people to have sex with multiple partners and with young kids. Even using condoms correctly isn't a guarantee that you won't get AIDS. Whether they have condoms or not they are going to have sex with prostitutes.
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