Mormonism: Become a god/godess ???


In My Opinion
A question (and we all know where I stand) the Pedophile (not gay :razz:) Priests and the subsequent cover ups were all from the previous Popes, has this Pope ever condemned those actions?
I must take a moment to correct you.
since the majority of assults have been the priest (male) against young boys, it only stands to reason that they are homosexual pedophiles, else they would have gone after the little girls. in which case they would be heterosexual pedophiles.
not that hard to grasp.


In My Opinion
I dont think he was saying it was, i just asked if the New Pope had apologized for the previous Popes actions with hiding and denying the pedophile Priests.
what needs to be done is to start a witch hunt and smoke these foul priests out into the open, then those priests need to be put in the hands of law enforcement (or the parents of the molested children) and the church then needs to turn their backs on them.
an apology just does not serve justice in such a case.