Morning sickness so bad mom had abortion



I think i would just carry a bucket with me all the time. At one time I wanted a baby so bad that I would have puked the whole 9 months if I could have had one. Now..I have settled in being childless, and enjoy it.


New Member
It is very sad. I could never choose abortion as an option. I pray she finds peace now-she is still saddened by her choice. No one can judge her actions though-we will never walk in her shoes.


I am so very blessed
A friend of mine had this same condition, or at least one very similar to it, and she had the most miserable pregnancy ever. She was a tiny woman to start with (maybe 110 pounds), and she actually lost a few pounds by the time she finally delivered. She was put on IV fluids all of the time to help keep her hydrated, and she subsisted on a few varieties of baby food for nine whole months. She couldn't prepare anything in the kitchen because the odor of other food would make her yak. She had to quit her job because she didn't have the strength to stand on her feet for the length of her shifts (she was a nursing attendant).

Even the vitamins that the doctor prescribed for her made her ill beyond belief.

There was absolutely nothing easy about her pregnancy, and I personally could not have endured what she dealt with for nine months.


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aosmiles said:
It is very sad. I could never choose abortion as an option. I pray she finds peace now-she is still saddened by her choice. No one can judge her actions though-we will never walk in her shoes.

:yeahthat: I don't personally believe in abortion at all, but I'm not going to judge her. She seems extremely saddened by her decision.


BadGirl said:
A friend of mine had this same condition, or at least one very similar to it, and she had the most miserable pregnancy ever. She was a tiny woman to start with (maybe 110 pounds), and she actually lost a few pounds by the time she finally delivered. She was put on IV fluids all of the time to help keep her hydrated, and she subsisted on a few varieties of baby food for nine whole months. She couldn't prepare anything in the kitchen because the odor of other food would make her yak. She had to quit her job because she didn't have the strength to stand on her feet for the length of her shifts (she was a nursing attendant).

Even the vitamins that the doctor prescribed for her made her ill beyond belief.

There was absolutely nothing easy about her pregnancy, and I personally could not have endured what she dealt with for nine months.

The poor thing. She was probably so glad to give birth.


Well-Known Member
I had this with my first pregnancy. Didn't know it at the time. In total I lost nearly 40 lbs with her. It was horrible. This lady complained of :barf: 6 times a day, that was a good day for me. It was without a doubt, the longest 38 weeks of my life! I survived and gave birth to a 6lb 15oz baby girl two weeks early. I was hospitalized twice for a week each time just to replinish my fluids. At one point, they thought I would miscarry at 18 weeks from dehydration. At NO point did I ever consider an abortion. At times I thought I would die. Even throughout labor and a day later, I continued to :barf: Thankfully my other pregnancies I did not have this condition. I had normal morning sickness, which I thought was a breeze. I don't think it's a reason to terminate an otherwise healthy pregnancy.


Salt Life
Bay_Kat said:
Has anyone else heard about this? What are your thoughts.
Sounds like me only I didn't have an abortion. I was sick and didn't get out of bed for about 3 months (first trimester). I would throw up more than 30 times a day. I couldn't keep anything down, I felt sick 24/7. I would just sit on my bed and cry because the pain and sickness was so unbearable.

I lost a good amount of weight. I was all of 110 lbs when I found out I was pregnant so the weight loss put me under 100 lbs. It was truly the most miserable experience of my life, but I have the most beautiful daughter and I'm thankful to have her.

In all honesty, I'm terrified to have another simply because of the physical stress I went through. Yes, they say every pregnancy is different, but I don't want to take that chance.


I am so very blessed
Katie said:
The poor thing. She was probably so glad to give birth.
What was especially weird about her body chemistry is that within a few hours of delivering her baby, everything went back to normal. That night, according to her husband, she was able to eat a hamburger, something that she'd not been able to even consider thinking about for many, many long months. And she had not experienced any morning sickness at all with her previous pregnancy.

This last pregnancy was just a fluke thing. A total chemical/hormal imbalance with her system and the growing baby.

But she'll not have another baby just in case it may happen again.


Mommy of 2
With my 1st I had MS really bad all day long ! I did carry a bucket with me everywhere ! With my 2nd god gave me a break.


Well-Known Member
Island_Chick said:
With my 1st I had MS really bad all day long ! I did carry a bucket with me everywhere ! With my 2nd god gave me a break.
:lmao: I carried a trash bag in the car with me, one in my purse and I still managed to miss them and christen several stores, a friends bathroom (toliet seat was down) lots of parking lots. The most embarrassing was puking a chilli dog and french fries all over McKay's when they were packed! I just ran in for a minute!


Mommy of 2
SoMDGirl42 said:
:lmao: I carried a trash bag in the car with me, one in my purse and I still managed to miss them and christen several stores, a friends bathroom (toliet seat was down) lots of parking lots. The most embarrassing was puking a chilli dog and french fries all over McKay's when they were packed! I just ran in for a minute!

Sound just like me i worked @Mckay's at that time and there sidewalk/parking lot got it everytime if was outside sorry TMI I would run to the Bathroom in the middle of ringing up PPL you should of seen there faces when I took off ! But I got a beautiful little girl out of it !

Nanny Pam

I don't believe in abortion either, however this poor woman went through hell.
It's the women who use abortion as birth control that need to be :buttkick:
Ignorant biatchers.


Watch it
BadGirl said:
But she'll not have another baby just in case it may happen again.

My friend has actually started the adoption process because she had it with her first two and doesn't want to go through it again. I was very fortunate with my pregnancies- I feel for them!


New Member
Bay_Kat said:
Has anyone else heard about this? What are your thoughts.

It's really sad and I would have explored every option I could including seeing every specialist that might help.

I had a very bad case of HG (threw up for the pregnancy) and suffered everything from kidney to liver issues due to the lack of nutrition. I was hospitalized many times along with having a feeding tube that went to the top of my heart for nutrition and had a nurse that came to the house regularly. It caused enough damage that at 20weeks pregnant I had to undergo surgery to remove my gallbladder which had been totally damaged from all the vomiting. We had almost lost our son from the surgery when I went into labor. By the end of my pregnancy I couldn't even keep water down. For 10 months I couldn't keep a single bite of food and was beyond miserable along with making the rest of my family suffer too. HG doesn't end at delivery either. For about every month you have it, that is how long after birth it can take to recover. I can no longer have children (which is not an issue since we are lucky to have others) due to the damage that was done and the risk factor of it happening again. Can I understand? Yes, I can. The thought had crossed my mind on occasion too. I lost my job and caused a major financial burden on the family (even with insurance a 10 day prescription for one medication was a $250 copay).


Well-Known Member
With #1 I was sick morning, noon, and night until the 14th week. Woke up one morning and it was gone. I lost 7 pounds in the first trimester. But, was capable of gaining 19 by the end of the pregnancy (35 weeks). :lol:
With #2 I only got sick twice in the very beginning. With this one, I have not gotten sick once and I'm 16 weeks. But, I did have nausea and still do from time to time.
Yes, every pregnancy is different. But, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love my little critters.


New Member
I lost a ton of weight due to being sick. At one point I had dropped down to 90 lbs. With the tube feedings, I was able to gain 12 lbs.


I am so very blessed
tastycakes said:
I had a very bad case of HG (threw up for the pregnancy) and suffered everything from kidney to liver issues due to the lack of nutrition. I was hospitalized many times along with having a feeding tube that went to the top of my heart for nutrition and had a nurse that came to the house regularly. It caused enough damage that at 20weeks pregnant I had to undergo surgery to remove my gallbladder which had been totally damaged from all the vomiting. We had almost lost our son from the surgery when I went into labor. By the end of my pregnancy I couldn't even keep water down. For 10 months I couldn't keep a single bite of food and was beyond miserable along with making the rest of my family suffer too. HG doesn't end at delivery either. For about every month you have it, that is how long after birth it can take to recover. I can no longer have children (which is not an issue since we are lucky to have others) due to the damage that was done and the risk factor of it happening again. Can I understand? Yes, I can. The thought had crossed my mind on occasion too. I lost my job and caused a major financial burden on the family (even with insurance a 10 day prescription for one medication was a $250 copay).
Hey, my friend! :huggy:

I remember how miserable you were with your pregnancy; it was so horrible. Little G-man is worth it, though. :yay:


With my daughter I had MS so bad that I had lost 20 lbs in 3 months and put on a home IV just to replace the fluids I was losing. I continued to have MS up until I had her, not fun.

I had MS with all my kids but my daughter was the worst.