"Most Terrifying Poll Result I’ve Ever Seen": Scott Rasmussen Surveys America’s Elite 1%


Well-Known Member
Don't shoot the messenger; I just copy and paste. I did listen while I was doing my daily, so I missed a few things, but:

When veteran pollster Scott Rasmussen surveyed a group of Americans he calls the elite 1% earlier this year, he discovered a startling number who say it’s OK to win an election by cheating.

The elite 1%—individuals who make over $150,000 a year, live in densely populated areas, and have postgraduate degrees—are overwhelmingly liberal. They give President Joe Biden an 82% approval rating, compared to his 40% average from the rest of Americans.

Rasmussen asked these liberal voters: “Suppose that your favorite candidate loses a close election. However, people on the campaign know that they can win by cheating without being caught. Would you rather have your candidate win by cheating or lose by playing fair?”

Among all Americans, just 7% said they would want their candidate to win by cheating. But that number rose to 35% among the elite 1% and skyrocketed to 69% among those who are part of the politically obsessed 1%, meaning they talk about politics every day.

“I’ve been polling for a very long time and the last finding is the most terrifying poll result I’ve ever seen,” Rasmussen told The Daily Signal.

  • Wow
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PREMO Member
Rasmussen asked these liberal voters: “Suppose that your favorite candidate loses a close election. However, people on the campaign know that they can win by cheating without being caught. Would you rather have your candidate win by cheating or lose by playing fair?”

Among all Americans, just 7% said they would want their candidate to win by cheating. But that number rose to 35% among the elite 1% and skyrocketed to 69% among those who are part of the politically obsessed 1%, meaning they talk about politics every day.

Of Course Cheating is OK,

Actions are all about POWER and CONTROL ..... Progressive Actions, Thoughts, Feelings are the ONLY Proper Group Think

If you do not agree you are

Too Stupid
A Nazi
Hate The Planet
Hate Queers
Want to Destroy America

To Understand the situation and therefor your OPINION does not matter, Progressives need the POWER to make the Proper Decisions to Control the Ignorant Masses


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I was reading this week about the 51 intelligence officials who signed that letter claiming the laptop story was Russian disinformation. He admitted not knowing that - but - it stopped Trump, so that’s ok.

No as Gurps observed, they don’t give a damn about votes or truth so long as the person they don’t want is stopped. Been saying this a long time.

It’s ironic that their slogan - mantra as it were - is that they are saving Democracy - by thwarting the people’s choice if it’s the “wrong” one.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I was reading this week about the 51 intelligence officials who signed that letter claiming the laptop story was Russian disinformation. He admitted not knowing that - but - it stopped Trump, so that’s ok.

No as Gurps observed, they don’t give a damn about votes or truth so long as the person they don’t want is stopped. Been saying this a long time.

It’s ironic that their slogan - mantra as it were - is that they are saving Democracy - by thwarting the people’s choice if it’s the “wrong” one.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I was reading this week about the 51 intelligence officials who signed that letter claiming the laptop story was Russian disinformation. He admitted not knowing that - but - it stopped Trump, so that’s ok.

No as Gurps observed, they don’t give a damn about votes or truth so long as the person they don’t want is stopped. Been saying this a long time.

It’s ironic that their slogan - mantra as it were - is that they are saving Democracy - by thwarting the people’s choice if it’s the “wrong” one.
They are saying exactly what they mean, they want true democracy - Mob Rule!


PREMO Member
I was reading this week about the 51 intelligence officials who signed that letter claiming the laptop story was Russian disinformation. He admitted not knowing that - but - it stopped Trump, so that’s ok.

Harry Reid Admits He Lies On The Senate Floor

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) confirmed the suspicions raised among Republicans during the recent fight over the human trafficking bill: he lies on the Senate floor.

Reid has no regrets about accusing Mitt Romney, without evidence, of failing to pay his taxes. “Well, they can call it whatever they want,” Reid told CNN, as Andrew noted. “Romney didn’t win, did he?”

It’s a remarkable admission that he’s willing to lie on the Senate floor, especially in light of the Reid’s recent attempt to argue that Senate Democrats didn’t know that a human trafficking bill they supported when it passed out of the Judiciary Committee — which includes Reid’s top two lieutenants — included Hyde Amendment language banning taxpayer funding of abortion.

“Many believe it was sleight of hand,” Reid said on the Senate floor, as he demanded that Republicans rewrite a bill that Democrats don’t have the votes to amend.

I would cheer when these bastards are put up against a wall


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Wait...someone is surprised that Democrats condone cheating to win?


I was under the impression that some were willing to cheat - to win. Not that the majority would be totally cool with it.

And really surprised they would admit it openly. I thought they’d at least FEIGN indignation.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I was under the impression that some were willing to cheat - to win. Not that the majority would be totally cool with it.

And really surprised they would admit it openly. I thought they’d at least FEIGN indignation.

They don't have to pretend anymore. Their imaginary friends on Tik Tok and their real friends in elected government positions have told them cheating will save Mah Democracy!®

Just like being antisemitic Holocaust deniers who support Islamic terrorism - it's no longer shameful, it's something to be celebrated.

Look at the leftist twits on here and how they have no morality or compassion, and don't even pretend.


Well-Known Member
I was reading this week about the 51 intelligence officials who signed that letter claiming the laptop story was Russian disinformation. He admitted not knowing that - but - it stopped Trump, so that’s ok.

No as Gurps observed, they don’t give a damn about votes or truth so long as the person they don’t want is stopped. Been saying this a long time.

It’s ironic that their slogan - mantra as it were - is that they are saving Democracy - by thwarting the people’s choice if it’s the “wrong” one.
Of course it was Russian disinformation...who do you think our intelligence officials gave the story to so THEY could spread it, enabling the intelligence officials rightly came from the Russians?

I'm not a smart man, but even I can figure that sh*t out.

It's like right wingers getting blamed for the Hill Dawg Clinton campaign starting and paying for the investigation into Maobama's birth in the first place. Even after it came out that the source for all that was, in fact HER campaign, the left STILL insisted it was the Tea Party and a far right conspiracy to discredit the Won. Who knew Hill Dawg was a right winger?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Trying to remember an article I read years ago - and I could have sworn it was of all people, Larry Summers - but the gist of it was bewilderment over a generation that doesn’t respect freedom of speech. That when kids were asked about letting a certain speaker on campus, their response was he shouldn’t be allowed “because he’s so wrong “.

And I remember thinking - this is a LIBERAL Harvard guy. Astonished that liberal kids think opposing views need to be silenced because - they’re wrong.

But I’ve heard so many versions of this point of view and it’s the same. Freedom of speech to them doesn’t protect opinions they don’t like.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
. Who knew Hill Dawg was a right winger?
When Hillary was competing with Obama for the nomination - and frankly she should have KNOWN that the party wanted Obama - period - it became apparent that he would get the nod - there was this swell of press saying “Hillary, just get behind Obama already “. Had to piss her off, because EVERYTHING up to that point - debates - late night - the press - even SNL - favored Obama.

For the sake of “party unity “.

So PUMA was formed. Party Unity My Ass. It may not have been Hillary running it - but that’s where the birther movement started. Pissed off Hillary supporters who felt the party was just ignoring Hillary to elect the first black president.

So she - angrily - waited. Served as SoS for a term. 2016 comes along. And she is ready to pull anything to win. Believes the polling but makes sure to toss Putin’s name in debates and on the trail and when he WON - did whatever she could to poison the well.

You can well imagine that by 2020 they would do anything to keep from losing.


Well-Known Member
Wait...someone is surprised that Democrats condone cheating to win?


They are surprised that someone would lie on the Senate floor. Is anyone really that Naive

Democrats truly want a democracy. A Democrat Democracy, they don't want anything to do with our Republic.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When Hillary was competing with Obama for the nomination - and frankly she should have KNOWN that the party wanted Obama - period - it became apparent that he would get the nod - there was this swell of press saying “Hillary, just get behind Obama already “. Had to piss her off, because EVERYTHING up to that point - debates - late night - the press - even SNL - favored Obama.

For the sake of “party unity “.

So PUMA was formed. Party Unity My Ass. It may not have been Hillary running it - but that’s where the birther movement started. Pissed off Hillary supporters who felt the party was just ignoring Hillary to elect the first black president.

So she - angrily - waited. Served as SoS for a term. 2016 comes along. And she is ready to pull anything to win. Believes the polling but makes sure to toss Putin’s name in debates and on the trail and when he WON - did whatever she could to poison the well.

You can well imagine that by 2020 they would do anything to keep from losing.

There's a part of me that would feel sorry for Hillary if she weren't such a rapacious nasty little powermonger, not to mention a freaking dumbass and everything women have been taught to reject since the late 60s.

"Hillary, you need to suck it up (ha) and stand by Bill for the good of the Party. We'll get you a Senate seat in return."

"Hillary you need to suck it up (still ha) and stand by Barack for the good of the Party. We'll make you Secretary of State. No, not VP.....Barack turned white when we suggested it. But SecState, and then in 2016 we'll be behind you 100%."

"Sorry that 2016 thing didn't work out. But we need you to come out hard against Trump. Here's your script......oh, and also support Biden in 2020...."

Poor Hillary. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.