Progressive Indoctrination in Education
We have a lot of that with the next generation, but a lot of reasons - not the least of which is, VERY LITTLE civics being taught at any level in the schools. Now, my son has a very low IQ, and when I asked him the three branches of government, I was actually surprised he could name them. It's about all he could do but he did know.
But kids - teens - COLLEGE students - know damned little about our Constitution - how it was made - how it was argued - what our rights are and are not - they're taught very little of that.
But MUCH WORSE - since they interact SO VERY MUCH via social media - they've lost the interpersonal interaction that people in a working society MUST HAVE to function. When I was a kid - if you didn't like your next door neighbor - well - you might not have any friends. So you learned how to get along, forgive, find new things and function as a human being. Now - you can just block them and find some other entity on the Internet to echo your own opinions back to you. You don't HAVE TO figure out how to get along.
This is an observable and measurable phenomenon, although I don't know if it has a name. But kids are suffering, and one symptom is - they don't grasp what rights are, for them or for others.