Mother’s day


Registered User
At first this article offended me, I am a mom, I have worked hard to be a great mom, but as I kept reading I found I agree with a lot of what is stated.

Why I hate Mother’s Day -

Giving Birth is not what makes a woman a mom.
Loving and guiding someone does.

So, to all women here that has been a mom to someone, regardless if you have given birth or not..

Anyone can be a mother.
It takes someone special to be a Mom.​


New Member
I don't want one special day celebrating my journey through Motherhood, I don't want something given out of guilt because the greeting card companies tell my children that is what they should do. What I want is the phone calls I get all during the week telling me about what is going on in their lives, telling me all the funny things my Granddaughters have done or said. I want the text messages I get everyday just to say "Hi" or "I love you", that is what I want for Mothers Day!! I have been very blessed with two wonderful children and four amazing Granddaughters. As you can see, I have everything a mother could ask for, Love!!!


New Member
You want to hear something funny/weird?! My son was born 05/23/11, and I had 2 people tell me, while I was pregnant, "oh, next year will be your first Mothers Day" :confused: I was 9 months pregnant? Wasn't I already a mom?


Well-Known Member
The kids have asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day for the past 2 weeks. My answer: "One day without you fighting and my van cleaned out". I'm sure that I will most definitely not get the entire day without them fighting and I'm also sure that they will not completely clean out my van which is all their mess, but it will be nice to have them try to accomplish either. They were whispering about their Mother's Day projects at school last night. My son's teacher sent me an email last week asking for a picture of the two of us. Those projects (crafts) are my most cherished things in life. Those projects are why I suffer through all that life has dealt me. They make it all worth it.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers and the fathers who are taking over the role of being a mother too. I'll celebrate Father's Day next month too, as I am the father to my kids as well.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I hate the woman who wrote this article. Sorry, it IS a terrific thing to raise children and worthy of a special day. That is not to say that ALL mothers are wonderful, nor is a woman bad if she chooses not to procreate, but properly raising, nurturing, and educating the next generation is something and this woman sounds like a bitter bitch.


Registered User
I hate the woman who wrote this article. Sorry, it IS a terrific thing to raise children and worthy of a special day. That is not to say that ALL mothers are wonderful, nor is a woman bad if she chooses not to procreate, but properly raising, nurturing, and educating the next generation is something and this woman sounds like a bitter bitch.

The way I interpreted her article was that there are women who have not given birth that are "Mom's" by action, guidance, and love given to others. She wants to celebrate them for being moms and that just because a woman is a mother by giving birth does not mean she deserves accolades of “Mother’s Day”.

She also doesn’t approve of some people’s mindset that only someone that has given birth can understand selfless love.

“It perpetuates the dangerous idea that all parents are somehow superior to non-parents…. I bristle at the whispered lie that you can know this level of love and self-sacrifice only if you are a parent.”

The main thing that ever helped mothers was other people mothering them; a chain of mothering that keeps the whole shebang afloat. I am the woman I grew to be partly in spite of my mother, and partly because of the extraordinary love of her best friends, and my own best friends’ mothers, and from surrogates, many of whom were not women at all but gay men. I have loved them my entire life, even after their passing.”

“You want to give me chocolate and flowers? That would be great. I love them both. I just don’t want them out of guilt, and I don’t want them if you’re not going to give them to all the people who helped mother our children.
I hate the woman who wrote this article. Sorry, it IS a terrific thing to raise children and worthy of a special day. That is not to say that ALL mothers are wonderful, nor is a woman bad if she chooses not to procreate, but properly raising, nurturing, and educating the next generation is something and this woman sounds like a bitter bitch.

I have been in my career since the age of 17 and have worked on many critical projects in the span of the past 28 years, but the ABSOLUTE MOST IMPORTANT thing I have ever done in my lifetime has been raising my two kids to adulthood. I expect the absolute 2nd most important thing to ever do in my lifetime will be to be an awesome grandmother for any grandkids that come along.

Mother's don't have to be perfect. I feel kids learn just as much from situations where a mother could have done something better as they do from a situations where the right things are done. So a day to acknowledge the mothers that really tried is a good thing.
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Well-Known Member
I have been in my career since the age of 17 and have worked on many critical projects in the span of the past 28 years, but the ABSOLUTE MOST IMPORTANT thing I have ever done in my lifetime has been raising my two kids to adulthood. I expect the absolute 2nd most important thing to ever do in my lifetime will be to be an awesome grandmother for any grandkids that come along.

Mother's don't have to be perfect. I feel kids learn just as much from situations where a mother could have done something better as they do from a situations where the right things are done. So a day to acknowledge the mother's that really tried and is a good thing.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The way I interpreted her article was that there are women who have not given birth that are "Mom's" by action, guidance, and love given to others. She wants to celebrate them for being moms and that just because a woman is a mother by giving birth does not mean she deserves accolades of “Mother’s Day”.

Mother's Day is for all mothers, regardless of birth circumstances. That's why there are grandmother and aunt cards, as well as step-mother and several others. There are cards for "You are like a mother to me..."

I still think she's a bitter nut rallying 'round the wrong flag. Mother's Day, like Valentine's Day, is a day of "hey, in case I forgot to tell you throughout the year, I love and appreciate you." It's a day when your ungrateful spawn temporarily suspend their gimmes and mess-making to cook you breakfast and act civilized. I'm all for it!


New Member
Well, being a mother is something that I don't want to do so kudos to all of you that take on the challenge and do it to the best of your ability. I don't think having a day to recognize that is too much to ask. I'll gladly help celebrate you by offering some tokens of appreciation and recognition.

I have theories about people that don't like holidays like this....resentment issues theories.


New Member
Mother's Day is for all mothers, regardless of birth circumstances. That's why there are grandmother and aunt cards, as well as step-mother and several others. There are cards for "You are like a mother to me..."

My mother sends me a little card every year for being a pet mom. I know it's silly but we both get a little kick out of it.


New Member
My mother sends me a little card every year for being a pet mom. I know it's silly but we both get a little kick out of it.

Love it!

I have to admit that I couldn't get through the entire article. There is something wrong with her, and it has nothing to do with my husband and kids making a special gesture on a certain day or me sending my mom something to pamper herself and only herself for a day. When we were kids, my did without a lot when times were very tight so we could have. I always loved that there was a day when hopefully she could just think about herself and would hopefully see our gratitude. It's like taking time to smell the roses. Would we not do that if they bloomed all year round?

I agree with MMM in that it sounds like she's resentful, almost seething