Mother’s day


Active Member
I hate the woman who wrote this article. Sorry, it IS a terrific thing to raise children and worthy of a special day. That is not to say that ALL mothers are wonderful, nor is a woman bad if she chooses not to procreate, but properly raising, nurturing, and educating the next generation is something and this woman sounds like a bitter bitch.

It's Salon. They're all about bashing anything traditional, normal, apple-pie American.


Hot Flash
I have been in my career since the age of 17 and have worked on many critical projects in the span of the past 28 years, but the ABSOLUTE MOST IMPORTANT thing I have ever done in my lifetime has been raising my two kids to adulthood. I expect the absolute 2nd most important thing to ever do in my lifetime will be to be an awesome grandmother for any grandkids that come along.

Mother's don't have to be perfect. I feel kids learn just as much from situations where a mother could have done something better as they do from a situations where the right things are done. So a day to acknowledge the mothers that really tried is a good thing.

I am proud of them. I had a bit to do with it. I didn't get to see them today but we will be celebrating a family reunion Memorial Day.

Happy Mother's Day to all!