Mother, cancer-stricken son on the run


New Member

As much as I don't agree with her decision, and think that she is a complete nutball, the government should have no say whatsoever. It is the slippery slope of more and more government encroachment in to our lives. Do you want the government making medical decisions for your family?

How about if the government decides all females of a certain age are required to go on birth control? You think that can't happen? Take a look at what happened with that stupid HPV vaccine. States were lining up to make it a mandatory vaccine for girls until a bunch of girls had horrible side effects from the vaccine.

Sure, you can say I am comparing apples and oranges, but in this day and age, one can't be too careful when it comes to accepting the government in the role of the parent. It sets a precedent that can and will be leveraged upon. :shrug:

Did Maryland make that HPV vaccine mandatory? I could not find any information if it was or was not.



As much as I don't agree with her decision, and think that she is a complete nutball, the government should have no say whatsoever. It is the slippery slope of more and more government encroachment in to our lives. Do you want the government making medical decisions for your family?

How about if the government decides all females of a certain age are required to go on birth control? You think that can't happen? Take a look at what happened with that stupid HPV vaccine. States were lining up to make it a mandatory vaccine for girls until a bunch of girls had horrible side effects from the vaccine.

Sure, you can say I am comparing apples and oranges, but in this day and age, one can't be too careful when it comes to accepting the government in the role of the parent. It sets a precedent that can and will be leveraged upon. :shrug:
Should the boy be allowed to die because if nutball parents think Star Trek is real and Dr McCoy is going to beam down and give him a shot of space medicine to cure his cancer?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
This is one case where I'm truly torn. OTOH, I'd say that the government should not be in their business. But then, they did have the boy go through one treatment and from all accounts it worked. Why would they start it and not go through with it? The boy is not old enough to make his own decisions, but I think the parents, or at least the mother is not very well educated, either.

It's just a mess all around.


b*tch rocket
Should the boy be allowed to die because if nutball parents think Star Trek is real and Dr McCoy is going to beam down and give him a shot of space medicine to cure his cancer?

It's called Natural Selection, it has worked very well for thousands of years. :shrug:


b*tch rocket
Did Maryland make that HPV vaccine mandatory? I could not find any information if it was or was not.

No, I believe Virginia was well on its way, but then had a young girl die in their state from the vaccine, so that idea was shelved.


Witchy Woman

As much as I don't agree with her decision, and think that she is a complete nutball, the government should have no say whatsoever. It is the slippery slope of more and more government encroachment in to our lives. Do you want the government making medical decisions for your family?

How about if the government decides all females of a certain age are required to go on birth control? You think that can't happen? Take a look at what happened with that stupid HPV vaccine. States were lining up to make it a mandatory vaccine for girls until a bunch of girls had horrible side effects from the vaccine.

Sure, you can say I am comparing apples and oranges, but in this day and age, one can't be too careful when it comes to accepting the government in the role of the parent. It sets a precedent that can and will be leveraged upon. :shrug:

Well said Christy. :clap:

I hope they continue to fight. I know there have been other cases in the U.S. where teens have fought against forced chemo (one in particular in Va.that resulted in a law to protect teens from just this kind of mess) and have won. :yay:


The government shouldn't have the authority to dictate to parents how to run any aspect of their childs rearing.
On the other hand, if one parent wants this treatment for hte child, they can go to court, be fast-tracked and a judge can decide that the parent wanting the treatment has the childs best interest in mind and order the procedure over the objections of the looney parent. To me that would work and wouldn't be 'big brother' government overstepping.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Good for her! And good for him! I'm rooting for their escape! And for their RIGHTS!! I know you'll all probably blast me for this, but it's not the courts place to FORCE him and his parents into any kind of treatment. They are doing what they believe in, what they think is best and what their son wants. If they choose to do alternative/holistic treatment and not chemo, so be it. THAT should be THEIR choice!!!!! And now the courts have taken custody away from the parents?!?!? Oh hell no!!! I'd run too! I love my children more than my life, and of course I would get them any treatment they needed to save their lives, but it should my choice (and my child's) how we handle it, not the courts or ANYBODY else's.

I'm with you, girl :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

As much as I don't agree with her decision, and think that she is a complete nutball, the government should have no say whatsoever. It is the slippery slope of more and more government encroachment in to our lives. Do you want the government making medical decisions for your family?

How about if the government decides all females of a certain age are required to go on birth control? You think that can't happen? Take a look at what happened with that stupid HPV vaccine. States were lining up to make it a mandatory vaccine for girls until a bunch of girls had horrible side effects from the vaccine.

Sure, you can say I am comparing apples and oranges, but in this day and age, one can't be too careful when it comes to accepting the government in the role of the parent. It sets a precedent that can and will be leveraged upon. :shrug:

You da woman :yay:


Main Streeter

As much as I don't agree with her decision, and think that she is a complete nutball, the government should have no say whatsoever. It is the slippery slope of more and more government encroachment in to our lives. Do you want the government making medical decisions for your family?

How about if the government decides all females of a certain age are required to go on birth control? You think that can't happen? Take a look at what happened with that stupid HPV vaccine. States were lining up to make it a mandatory vaccine for girls until a bunch of girls had horrible side effects from the vaccine.

Sure, you can say I am comparing apples and oranges, but in this day and age, one can't be too careful when it comes to accepting the government in the role of the parent. It sets a precedent that can and will be leveraged upon. :shrug:

You're right, you are comparing apples and oranges. If the mom was able to demostrate that the "alternative" treatment has a proven track record of success then I would agree the court should back off because it would be the parent's choice between to prooven treatment methods. Unfortunately, whatever "alternative" treatment method they're talking about is not proven. The chemo/radiation is proven. Very simple choice here, let the kid live or let him die. This basically the same as a parent depriving their kid of food. In this case, the parent is making very poor choices that are not in the kid's best interest. At this point somebody needs to step in. Unless, of course, it is in the kid's best interest to die. The Natural Selection stuff may have been valid back in the cave man days but we've moved past that a long time ago.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How much of your child's welfare are you willing to give over to the government? Because once you let them get a toehold, the floodgates will open. Some of you are insisting that this is for the good of the kid, even though he himself doesn't think so. So what else is "for the good of the children"? And what if next time it turns out to be your kid and your decisions that get usurped by government officials?

Since the libs want a 13 year old to be able to have sex and get birth control and abortions without parental notification, do you not find it even slightly hypocritical that that same 13 year old should not be allowed to make other medical decisions for themselves?


Well-Known Member
If it were my child I would do whatever it would take to say her. I would not take off and run when the cancer is cureable, I would feel like I gave my child a death sentence.

Exactly. If she truly loved her child she would do anything in her power to see to it that he lives. Running away from medical treatment is ignornant and shows a lack of sanity. While I'm all for holistic remedies, I know of no holistic remedies for cancer.


Well-Known Member
Wrapping the religion blanket around a clear case of neglect, doesnt diminish the neglect.

Otherwise as long as you can wrap it into a religious Belief, anything can be forgiven? If not why? What could be worse than allowing a child to die, let alone allowing your own child to die?

I would think anything else, as long as it has the mantle of Religious Belief, would be small potatoes
Freedom of speech is accepting that someone else has the right to say that which you would spend a lifetime defending against.

Freedom of religion is accepting that others may live their lives in a manner which you would spend a lifetime disagreeing with.

If people aren't allowed their freedom, is it really freedom?


Well-Known Member
Freedom of speech is accepting that someone else has the right to say that which you would spend a lifetime defending against.

Freedom of religion is accepting that others may live their lives in a manner which you would spend a lifetime disagreeing with.

If people aren't allowed their freedom, is it really freedom?

The State is looking out for the welfare of the child. That child's parent is not making a sane decision.


Also, the Dad wants his son to get the treatment.

Where did you see that?

If the Dad wants him to get the treatment and the mother refuses to get the legal matter resolved, I'd say it's pretty obvious she's in the wrong here.


Well-Known Member
The State is looking out for the welfare of the child. That child's parent is not making a sane decision.
While I agree she's not making the medically wise decision, isn't the sanity of it from a religious standpoint a matter of opinion? To try her by a jury of her peers, wouildn't that jury have to include people of similar religious beliefs, and therefore would probably end up with a different decision than you or I would have about the intelligence of her decision?


Well-Known Member
While I agree she's not making the medically wise decision, isn't the sanity of it from a religious standpoint a matter of opinion? To try her by a jury of her peers, wouildn't that jury have to include people of similar religious beliefs, and therefore would probably end up with a different decision than you or I would have about the intelligence of her decision?

I somehow doubt that the jury would be entirely made up of religious nuts that don't mind their kids dying to prove a ####ing point.


Where did you see that?

Nevermind, it's in the Nation article.

Mother, cancer-stricken son on the run - Nation -

Colleen Hauser testified earlier that she had been treating his cancer with herbal supplements, vitamins, ionized water and other natural alternatives.

The family was due in court Tuesday to report the results of a chest X-ray and their arrangements for an oncologist. But only Daniel's father appeared. He told Rodenberg he last saw his wife Monday evening.

''She said she was going to leave,'' Hauser testified. 'She said, `That's all you need to know.' And that's all I know.''

He said Colleen Hauser left her cellphone at their home in the southern Minnesota town of Sleepy Eye.

Anthony Hauser now agrees that Daniel needs treatment, said Calvin Johnson, attorney for the parents.

The founder of Nemenhah, Philip Cloudpiler Landis, said it was a bad idea for Colleen Hauser to flee with her son.

''She should have gone to court,'' Landis said. ``It's how we work these things out. You don't solve anything by disregarding the order of the judge.''

The arrest warrant has been distributed nationwide and a crime alert was being issued to businesses around the country, Brown County Sheriff Rich Hoffman said. He said investigators were following some leads.

The mom's a complete whackjob. :crazy:


Well-Known Member
I somehow doubt that the jury would be entirely made up of religious nuts that don't mind their kids dying to prove a ####ing point.
Which religion are you allowing to be considered not nuts?

I'm just curious which ones you think fall under the first amendment and which ones don't.


Main Streeter
Where did you see that?

If the Dad wants him to get the treatment and the mother refuses to get the legal matter resolved, I'd say it's pretty obvious she's in the wrong here.
It was mentioned day before yesterday. I may have misunderstood something that was said but I'm about 90 percent sure that's the case.