Motivation to lose weight


I am so very blessed
Does having smaller sized clothing in your closet motivate you to lose weight? I purposefully bought a pair of really cute slacks that are too tight, thinking that it would spur me to lose those few extra pounds. Now I'm not too sure of my theory. :ilikefrenchfries:

Just wondering how you all think......


..if momma ain't happy...
Does having smaller sized clothing in your closet motivate you to lose weight? I purposefully bought a pair of really cute slacks that are too tight, thinking that it would spur me to lose those few extra pounds. Now I'm not too sure of my theory. :ilikefrenchfries:

Just wondering how you all think......

life's too frenchfries...


b*tch rocket
That doesn't work for me. When I pull out my skinny girl clothes it just annoys me so I have to self soothe with some cookies. :drama: :lol:

The only thing that keeps me from really getting huge is that I am too lazy to shop for bigger clothes so if things start getting really snug I back off the feed bag for a while. :dance:


Well-Known Member
Does having smaller sized clothing in your closet motivate you to lose weight? I purposefully bought a pair of really cute slacks that are too tight, thinking that it would spur me to lose those few extra pounds. Now I'm not too sure of my theory. :ilikefrenchfries:

Just wondering how you all think......

I do that (of course not right now :lol:) But I would pick up a dress, pants, blouse etc... that was a bit snug and that was motivation for me. Especially if there was an upcoming function I wanted to wear it too.

Also when I lost a lot of my weight I would always get rid of the bigger clothes. Not box them up but actually get rid of them so that way if I ever started to slip I didnt have those to fall back on.


My Sweetest Boy
I have tons of small clothes from when I lost 60 pounds. I've gained some back...and I hate the way I look but I have very little motivation. I keep trying and failing. :mad:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
All the great chefs have some meat on them (most of them, anyway). They like to cook and they like to eat.

This is my excuse :yay:


Does having smaller sized clothing in your closet motivate you to lose weight? I purposefully bought a pair of really cute slacks that are too tight, thinking that it would spur me to lose those few extra pounds. Now I'm not too sure of my theory. :ilikefrenchfries:

Just wondering how you all think......

I need a buff personal trainer that will make me cry daily.... :drama:


Infinite Impetus
Does having smaller sized clothing in your closet motivate you to lose weight? I purposefully bought a pair of really cute slacks that are too tight, thinking that it would spur me to lose those few extra pounds. Now I'm not too sure of my theory. :ilikefrenchfries:

Just wondering how you all think......

Depends on how much you spend on them.. haha. Before you want to eat something "bad" like say, french fries, SIT naked infront of a mirror then decide if you still want the fries.


Cleopatra Jones
My most favorite jeans I bought either shortly before or after my oldest was born (i.e. almost 8 years ago). Three years ago I put on a honkin 20 lbs which is a lot on my frame. I refused to get rid of those jeans because I love them like no other. About 6 months ago I finally fit in them again. :yahoo: I purge clothes very easily. Too big or small I have no problem getting rid of them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Depends on how much you spend on them.. haha. Before you want to eat something "bad" like say, french fries, SIT naked infront of a mirror then decide if you still want the fries.

This will really go over well at the McDonald's :yay:


Podunk FL
Yes and no.

I have a closet full of clothes from when I was down at my lowest. I gained weight and had to go up a few sizes. I HATE it with a passion. Working on losing it I won't throw the smaller clothes away.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'm back in SIZE 4!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Good on ya!:cheers:
I had to buy new tux after my 20lb drop.:getdown: Oh yeah it looks gooooood too.

My motivation to lose my weight this year was that I was just tired of looking like crap. I had always been very active and pretty fit but I'd let myself go over the past few years. I looked in the mirror while getting ready to get in the shower one day and was absolutely repulsed by what I saw. I have pics of me @ my heaviest (198) and it was all from my waist up to my chest :barf: It's mostly gone now but I've stopped working out and it's creeping back on me slowly but surely. I started playing rec league soccer this fall to help with the competitive juices that still flow and while my mind may think that I'm 25 my body tends to disagree so to that extent I'll be reclaiming my gym in a few weeks so I can get back to the workout habit that I was rocking earlier this year.
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I don't buy smaller clothes to get into, but I will not buy a larger size, so that is my motivation. :lol: .

After 40, the metabolism catches up. I am not overweight, but have those target areas I need to work on by toning up, etc. I like to use different types of toning methods, but I am also a big fan of cardio type/aerobic exercise. I also watch what I eat so I don't overeat or pig out on a regular basis. :fairfoodthisweekend: :lol:

Anyhoo, I needed to boost what I did at home for exercise, so I joined Total Fitness For Women in PF. They have a special going on right now. I think it's only $79. until Dec. I paid $100. from Aug-Dec. AND I will only pay $20. a month after that - no contract - until whenever! That's a bargain!! I can take aerobic classes or use the weights, bikes, etc. I can already see some toning results from the aerobics classes, too. :yahoo:

*I am not affilated with TFFW in any way!


I have a pair of 34 Levi's I have had for 6 years thinking "one day". I think I will save them for Boy.


I have a friend with Breast Cancer and we signed up in January to do the 60 mile 3day walk (NEXT WEEKEND!!) so in January I started taking some awesome vitamins...walking and dieting...lost 43lbs in 4 months...127 lbs (I am happy staying there)...started running....I run one 5K race a month so I will keep it up. If I have a race coming I will run and try to get my best time so I won't slack what is the best motivator for you. it is so worth it when you reach your goal weight and can keep it !. I am 42 ,had a hysterectomy at 38 ...metabolism was null...but with the vitamins and exercise I was able to get smaller than I have ever been.size 6!!


New Member
I have a friend with Breast Cancer and we signed up in January to do the 60 mile 3day walk (NEXT WEEKEND!!) so in January I started taking some awesome vitamins...walking and dieting...lost 43lbs in 4 months...127 lbs (I am happy staying there)...started running....I run one 5K race a month so I will keep it up. If I have a race coming I will run and try to get my best time so I won't slack what is the best motivator for you. it is so worth it when you reach your goal weight and can keep it !. I am 42 ,had a hysterectomy at 38 ...metabolism was null...but with the vitamins and exercise I was able to get smaller than I have ever been.size 6!!

What types of vitamins are you taking?