I bowl overhand
Ok ladies (who ride)
What kind of bike do you have? Likes/dislikes
I know alot of you said you liked driving the bigger bike better not to even buy a smaller bike first.
How big are we talking?
I am currently looking at a 2001 Honda Shadow 650, is that a good first time bike?? not to small, not to big??
650 Shadow sounds perfect size wise.
You don't NEED a huge bike, and know of a few women that were talked into getting the biggest cruiser they could get, only to be unsatisfied, and not ride as often as they would like because they were uncomfortable.
Go out and test ride bikes. Don't let anyone talk you into what to get and what not to get. When you find the perfect bike (whether it be a Honda, Yamaha or whatever) you'll know in a second as your bike will almost feel like it's part of you.