Mourning Party for Kerry and all Dems and left leaning Republicans


I don't know if any Kerry supporters would like to drown there political depression in a bottle of suds or not, but there is a mourning party going on for Kerry in the District of Columbia this evening at 10-4 or 5 am. There will be an open bar from 10-12 meaning you can really get your drink on. Plus if you wear all black you get in for free.

-If you don't like gay people then this party isn't for you. It's at a huge gay club on South Capitol Street in SE. The party is at Velvet Nation.

P.S. I'm not gay. So stop calling me a butt-pirate. :cheers:
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UrbanPancake said:
P.S. I'm not gay. So stop calling me a butt-pirate. :cheers:
Then why are you taking up their fight? Waving the gay banner high above your head?

Is it basically just a lack of nothing else to biatch about or do you have a gay relative or something?


Kain99 said:
Then why are you taking up their fight? Waving the gay banner high above your head?

Is it basically just a lack of nothing else to biatch about or do you have a gay relative or something?

Maybe my brother is gay, and my cousin who is a lesbian, and my other cousin who is bisexual.


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
I don't know if any Kerry supporters would like to drown there political depression in a bottle of suds or not, but there is a mourning party going on for Kerry in the District of Columbia this evening at 10-4 or 5 am. There will be an open bar from 10-12 meaning you can really get your drink on. Plus if you wear all black you get in for free.

-If you don't like gay people then this party isn't for you. It's at a huge gay club on South Capitol Street in SE. The party is at Velvet Nation.

P.S. I'm not gay. So stop calling me a butt-pirate. :cheers:
Geesh, get over it already the man is not dead, just his political career.....


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
Hey, any excuse for free alcohol....... is a good one.

Would I go somewhere with a bunch of lesbians and free alcohol? That would be like a virgin going to an orgy...fresh meat....


This Space for Rent
UrbanPancake said:
Maybe my brother is gay, and my cousin who is a lesbian, and my other cousin who is bisexual.

Hi. I'm Larry, and this is my brother Daria and my other brother Daria.


Dancing Up A Storm
Tina2001aniT said:
Would I go somewhere with a bunch of lesbians and free alcohol? That would be like a virgin going to an orgy...fresh meat....
I have to assume he's promoting their agenda.

Remember, JF Kerry is/was/is/was/is/maybe/is/was/not sure/is/was/, against same-sex marriages, depending on what day you caught his act, butt who knows where he stands now.

This is the extenuation of that mantra, this twerp, if not already a butt-pirate, is leaning towards that genre, investigating the scenery, trying to decide if it's for him or not.

My advice: Head for the Salad Bar. Maybe some cutie will toss some for you; that should be right up your, er, alley!


This Space for Rent
Wait! Lesbians and alcohol?!?! Where is this?

Ok, I need some clarification... are we talking lipstick lesbians or the manly variety?


Active Member

How do you know what tossing salad is Penn? :shrug: I mean, I should know, cuz I am gay, but you know an awful lot LOL. Just kiddin ya....Eh, free booze....Hmmmmm...... :martini: :alkies:


New Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
How do you know what tossing salad is Penn? :shrug: I mean, I should know, cuz I am gay, but you know an awful lot LOL. Just kiddin ya....Eh, free booze....Hmmmmm...... :martini: :alkies:
Straight men toss salad to........:whistle:


Dancing Up A Storm
Aimhigh2000 said:
How do you know what tossing salad is Penn? :shrug: I mean, I should know, cuz I am gay, but you know an awful lot LOL. Just kiddin ya....Eh, free booze....Hmmmmm...... :martini: :alkies:
I only know what I read/see here on the internet. You know what they say, if it's posted here, it must be the truth. :lmao:

PS: Tina, I'm straight as can be, and I've never heard of straight guys tossing salad with each other, if that's what you mean.

If you're getting at something else, then I don't even want to go there...........


UrbanPancake said:
I don't know if any Kerry supporters would like to drown there political depression in a bottle of suds or not, but there is a mourning party going on for Kerry in the District of Columbia this evening at 10-4 or 5 am. There will be an open bar from 10-12 meaning you can really get your drink on. Plus if you wear all black you get in for free.

-If you don't like gay people then this party isn't for you. It's at a huge gay club on South Capitol Street in SE. The party is at Velvet Nation.

P.S. I'm not gay. So stop calling me a butt-pirate. :cheers:

This has got to be the silliest thing I've heard lately. Next, they'll be having a mourning party for welfare families who had their jobs sent overseas. UFB. :rolleyes:


Active Member

Yes, what is said on the internet is the truth. Al invented it! :liar: :killingme

I may go to the "party" wearing black for two reasons.

1) I am a cheap tightwad and if I can get in free, then my penny-pinchinazz will;

2) Free booze for 2 hours? See number 1.

:alkies: :drunk: