Mourning Party for Kerry and all Dems and left leaning Republicans


Dancing Up A Storm
ericw said:
"left leaning Republicans"...? Isn't that an extinct species? :ohwell:
Not so sure about that one.

Isn't there a group of them that call themselves the:

Log Cabin Republicans? :whip: :lmao:


Getting ready to get my drink on.....

My sister is watching the young'n tonight while me and the little lady go out with my brother and kick back a few. I'm not sure how much mourning there will be though...... I think after the first two screwdrivers I'll forget all about the election. :razz:


Kain99 said:
Then why are you taking up their fight? Waving the gay banner high above your head?

Is it basically just a lack of nothing else to biatch about or do you have a gay relative or something?

Why did a lot of white people take up the civil rights movement for African Americans? Because it was the right thing to do, and one day this will go down in the history books. I want to make sure I do the right thing, while I still can. People have been oppressed by other people for as long as time has existed. We now live in a time where this can end in my own country. Plus all the great people I have met on the Human Rights Campaign has been great.

If any of you care about Human Rights, then I recommend going to You can join in on the fight for GLBT rights. I'm a member and it only costs $35 a year. The money goes towards electing progressive Republicans and Democrats, and towards other productive activities. :patriot:


Well-Known Member
UrbanPancake said:
My sister is watching the young'n tonight while me and the little lady go out with my brother and kick back a few.
Young'n?? little lady?? :bs: Have you hit puberty yet?


Well-Known Member
Urban upchuck:
"People have been oppressed by other people for as long as time has existed. We now live in a time where this can end in my own country"

Guess you know nothing about sin nature...oh, thats right, you are going to Sodom tonight, silly me.
The more you advertise your licentiousness, binge drinking, and jesting over homosexual acts...the more I feel like oppressing you.
Instead...I'll just depress you: Most of the vermin you are swimming with tonight have multiple STDs, higher risk of suicide, psychological imbalances, destroyed yuk it up!

Does anyone smell sulphur?


Active Member


Please provide me with some stats on that. I mean, I "swim" with "those people", and I know more of my str8 friends that have had more STD's than my gay friends. And, I have seen more binge drinkin and broken homes in southern md than my gay friends in the city. I don't know about psycho issues, seems to be even across the board. I mean, I have seen the guys at Catamarans, Brass Rail et al get trashed and cheat on their wives. I think binge drinking is across the board. I know more of my gay friends that have been in long term relationships (five years or more, I am in my 6th year). If you are referring to people who are single, I would venture to say more str8 guys have STD's as they tend to pressure girls into not using them. And let's not bring up "unwanted' pregnancy. :whistle: