MoveOn.:lalala: March on the White House


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Hey, Raley - how about if I rob a bank and you take equal responsibility for it?

Hey vrai, how about you stop being the Bush Admin's lap dog on these forums and exercise some free thought?

Government failed from top down...disaster aid is local, state, and federal.


"Typical White Person"
rraley said:
Hey vrai, how about you stop being the Bush Admin's lap dog on these forums and exercise some free thought?

Government failed from top down...disaster aid is local, state, and federal.

Now Bush has created a brain washing machine too!


Dancing Up A Storm
rraley said:
Hey vrai, how about you stop being the Bush Admin's lap dog on these forums and exercise some free thought?

Government failed from top down...disaster aid is local, state, and federal.
I don't suppose you've never been asked to do the same? Realise your party's line is BS in this instance?

There is plenty of evidence, and surely more will be forthcoming, that the STATE failed their own people, ie, public and school busses sitting underwater in huge parking lots, when they could have been used to evacuate hundreds, if not thousands of NO people.

I know, Bush, somehow rendered them unusable!:whistle:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Just the facts

Read this and you will see what Governor Blanco requested of the President on August 27th. Read here and see that the Federal goverment complied with the request.


Lovin' being Texican
Pete said:
This will be remembered in the next election.

Do you really think the twinks in San Francisco will not re-elect Nancy in 2006? Man, you are way off the mark this time. Those creamy brothers LUV Pelosi!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Where you been?

Bruzilla said:
BTW, I wonder who paid all the bucks to fly those people up to DC and put them up in hotels, and how much that all cost. Wouldn't that money had been better spent helping with the relief/recover effort?

George Soros.

And no, it would not have been better spent on the victims. They are not the goal; relentlessly attacking George W. Bush is the goal.

His tax cuts worked. His leadership against Osama and Saddam is working. He tried to get Social Security on the table to be fixed.

If he was failing, then they could simply focus on the next election but, as he has been so successful, his work MUST be denounced first, last and always.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How about you quit ducking the question...

rraley said:
Hey vrai, how about you stop being the Bush Admin's lap dog on these forums and exercise some free thought?

Government failed from top down...disaster aid is local, state, and federal.

As things were in pretty good shape after ONE WEEK and so many assets finally in place; YOU define what a successful response would have been:

6 days? 5?


Lovin' being Texican
Ken King said:
Read this and you will see what Governor Blanco requested of the President on August 27th. Read here and see that the Federal goverment complied with the request.

But where's the request for transporation to move the refugees prior to the hurricane making landfall? Where's the request for National Guard or Federal troops to restore social order? I seem to have missed the request for support to strengthen the levies.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Lenny said:
But where's the request for transporation to move the refugees prior to the hurricane making landfall? Where's the request for National Guard or Federal troops to restore social order? I seem to have missed the request for support to strengthen the levies.
Exactly, the government will do for you if you ask for it. They are not there to say damn I bet they need this and that and go ahead and do it without first being requested to intervene on what is a state activity.


We Republicans need to face the truth. W was at fault and could have make it better instantly. Chertoff told W 4 or 5 times to use the little hammer and break the glass on the Ruby Slipper case and to do the heal clicking thing "Bad Storm Go Away! Bad Storm Go Away!" but Bush refused.


Lovin' being Texican
Pete said:
We Republicans need to face the truth. W was at fault and could have make it better instantly. Chertoff told W 4 or 5 times to use the little hammer and break the glass on the Ruby Slipper case and to do the heal clicking thing "Bad Storm Go Away! Bad Storm Go Away!" but Bush refused.

But the Ruby Slippers were stolen when the Clintonistas moved out in 2001!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Hey vrai, how about you stop being the Bush Admin's lap dog on these forums and exercise some free thought?
OMG! :killingme

Look who's talking! I don't know what the hell they taught you in your high school, but it obviously wasn't civics or you'd know about separation of powers and how federal intervention works.

Get your head out of Michael Moore's ass for a minute and look at the facts.


This Space for Rent
Sparx said:
Chief of FEMA let go today! :razz:

He was not let go. He was sent back to Washington. Someone has to be sacrificed. Even if he is found to have done nothing wrong at any point, his career was tainted. Its the same as a teacher getting accused of sex crimes and found the charges were false... they still don't end up with the school district they were with. They are tied to the media story.


Football addict
FromTexas said:
He was not let go. He was sent back to Washington. Someone has to be sacrificed. Even if he is found to have done nothing wrong at any point, his career was tainted. Its the same as a teacher getting accused of sex crimes and found the charges were false... they still don't end up with the school district they were with. They are tied to the media story.
Shouldn't he have been canned anyway for not having any experience with regards to this?


Sparx said:
Chief of FEMA let go today! :razz:
You tripped over your DNC handbook rushing back here to post that didn't you :lmao: Too bad you got it wrong :roflmao:

A broken clock doesn't have crap on you, it is al least right twice a day. :yay:


Pete said:
You tripped over your DNC handbook rushing back here to post that didn't you :lmao: Too bad you got it wrong :roflmao:

A broken clock doesn't have crap on you, it is al least right twice a day. :yay:



Dancing Up A Storm
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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to dems4me again.

Catcha next time Dems! :lmao:
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This Space for Rent
BuddyLee said:
Shouldn't he have been canned anyway for not having any experience with regards to this?

Actually, appointees really should have management and team skills more than anything. Appointees rarely have "executive" level experience in the agencies they oversee (just like all those Senators who are Monday morning quarterbacking). What they should be good at is listening to the experts in the agency they oversee, taking that message to the politicians, and then blending it with what the politicians want (who are supposed to be representing us). Appointees are a "face" and are people managers for the most part... except for things (usually) like the Sec't of Defense and Sec't of State.

Just like all President's don't usually no a lick about the functions performed by 80% of their government. Their job is to know who the experts in a given situation, take in enough information, and then make a choice based on the various opinions.