Moving into the area!


Rocky Mountain High!!
oops...guess i should have found out who pete was...:blushing:
and still giggling about the whole last part of this thread...

Say appy are you set up to keep a mare in heat? i've never done it so i don't know how it goes. she's not in heat yet but do they come in when they are introduced to the stallion? i'd like to breed her in June for a summer baby.

we've bought a bay based, reverse leopard mare with a big blanket coming from knoxville who is bred to a bay based fewspot barrel racing stallion, and due in August this year as soon as i find good (reasonable!) transport...any suggestions there? <<we're SO excited our first baby!!>>

Sage came from Michigan. Her breeder is Laurie Sheffer. I've had her a year. Super sane and quiet under saddle. Nice girl!


Rocky Mountain High!!
Re: the August baby....not my choice either, but i couldn't resist the mare, and the baby should be a leopard or near leopard. She's had 3 previous, and all leopard. I figured it would be a good way for me to get the feel for doing it myself, with having the "hard" part done (if that's possible? LOL).

OK, we will most likely come over Mon or Tuesday afternoon, to enroll the kids in school, will you be around? I'd love to stop by and meet the man...:biggrin: and talk details.


Re: Pete?

Originally posted by happyappygirl
takin' a horse trailer?:dance:
too bad she won't fit in the trunk or back of an SUV:bawl:
If I had one I would do it for $745 :lol: Appy, you have a trailer that isn't a 5th wheel?


Re: Re: Re: Pete?

Originally posted by appyday
I have two...a tag along and a gooseneck....If I bought a horse in TN I would pay the $750 to not go myself..I would think it would be worth any amount to not go..I am lazy ha?:bawl:

I bought a horse in WA befor I even knew it was 2000 miles away...then had to pay a good deal at $900 would have never made that trip in Feb for that amount..

My small trailer doubles as a tack/feed room.
there you go, appys trailer and zoom horse would be here Monday


:roflmao: Gezz happy, looks like you will not have any trouble making friends once you get to Leonardtown.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pete?

Originally posted by appyday
Pete...Happy will not be here till got room in your hot tub for a pregnant horse..might do her legs some good if they start stocking up (swelling)
No but I have an old tire and a rope. An old guy back in GA used to tie his cow to an old tire and let it eat in a circle, when the grass was gone he would go drag the tire to a new place. I suppose it would work. :ohwell:


Rocky Mountain High!!
isn't that just always the way??

....You try to do everything "right" and yours loses an EYE!! He ignores his and it grows up FINE...:burning:
Hey appy, guess who came into heat yesterday:dance:
PS i raised a few litters of himalayans, and focused on lynx points too. i have a lovely seal lynx queen from the DeMira lines. But mine had baby doll faces. i lost too many apple heads from my silver tabby persian female, made me sad.:bawl: so i switched to the slightly longer noses. i stopped breeding 3-4 years ago, and only have 2 flame lynxs now as pets. The girl, Lucy is 10 and the boy, Bizzy is 5.


Rocky Mountain High!!

I meant I HAD a Seal lynx female. i sold her when i stopped breeding. She was gorgeous. She gave me a chocolate tortie lynx daughter sired by a flame pt!!


Rocky Mountain High!!
hey.... a PET exotic boy might be a nice addition once we move...hmm.... :) we'll hook up, what litters are you expecting? maybe even an older boy kitten who isn't show anymore for whatever likes me big boy kitties...


Rocky Mountain High!!
Oh GOODY! A KITTY! But :rolleyes: shhh...don't tell "Honey"
He'll KILL me for even thinking it!! :spank:

We're coming over Monday afternoon to enroll the kids in school, go to the new place, and to the barrack, so we'll probably stop by later in the afternoon to see the big stud and his kiddos if that works for you. Please email directions.