Moving to PAX River area by Sept

Cheshire Cat

New Member
Hello, My husband has orders to Pax River. I am trying to find out information about the housing there, and the schools. We don't know if we want to try to rent, buy or live in housing, since there is absolutely ZERO information regarding what the housing is like in PAX river. My dh has 17 years in and we have 2 kids, I REFUSE to live in housing if all we get is a run down 3 bed room 1 bath 950 ft town home.We have already done our time in sub-standard military quarters!
I have done a search for info on the form, but I am looking for more current info.
What is the best comminity to live in?
How is Hurricane season there?
How much are utilities?
What is traffic like?
Schools... kids take busses? Do they go year round? How is the educational system? ( my son is in the gifted program in CA, do they have that in MD?)
After school care ANYTHING about options? I can not return to work unless I have afterschool care for my kids.
For the love of god, PLEASE tell me there is a good coffee house there!
Horses: is there an equestian comminity there?
Dogs and cats: what kind of vet care is there? I currently work as a Vet Tech and in San DIego its pretty cutting edge( my dog gets accupuncture for disc problems).

We are moving from San Diego, and are looking forward to getting out of here. Both of us are from Upstate NY, and hope this is a nice change of pace from 3rd graders getting cellphones for thier birthdays!

Any info would be fantastic, including referals for a real estate office.

Thank you !


New Member
Hollie, check the Horses forum under Pets & Animals. We have several well attended local circuits w/i an hour's drive plus a very active trail riding group. Believe it or not we actually have a Starbucks - hope that takes care of your coffee addiction : ) No year-round school, Leonardtown is thought of as the best district, yes to buses. Opening this fall is a new Math and Sciences program. Someone will find you the link or fill you in on specifics. We generally only get the rain part of any hurricane. We are very blessed with great weather. It's hot and humid in the summer but that's about it. Houses are a buyer's market but prices are still somewhat high. Check the real estate ads here, one of the realtors generally puts up a link to the MLS listing. You can search for sales or rentals.

Hope your move goes well and you come to enjoy the area!


New Member
What is the best comminity to live in? Look at schools, the community, lots of Military here in Wildewood
How is Hurricane season there? Yep, I have Generator
How much are utilities? SMECO is power, and so far ok
What is traffic like? getting bad. But as normal, depends on where you decide to live?

I moved in from Florida and every one said "are you crazy"?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Stand by for the deluge of info that WILL follow. You have to take some of it with a grain of salt (bring the shaker to be safe :lmao: ).

Hurricane season is nothing to worry about here. We usually end up with the tropical storm remnants of any storm that makes landfall. Unless you move into the traditionally flood prone areas of the county then you'll be fine.

Schools are a hot topic around here. The general concensus is that if you going to move to SOMD then you should try to live in Calvert County for schools. Calvert does spend more money per pupil but even the schools in St. Mary's manage to get the job done. Children are bused to school because this is a rural area (somewhat) especially compared to SD.

Others will share their experiences, good and bad, but like I said you have to take it with a grain of salt. Some people move here and love it and others can't wait to leave. I wouldn't live anyplace else but then again my roots are here.

Welcome to SOMD and to the forums. We are sometimes helpful, and sometimes mean and usually good for a laugh or two. (Bring your thick skin) :howdy:

Here are a couple of links to help:
St.Mary's County Gov't
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Well-Known Member
kom526 said:
Stand by for the deluge of info that WILL follow. You have to take some of it with a grain of salt (bring the shaker to be safe :lmao: ).

Hurricane season is nothing to worry about here. We usually end up with the tropical storm remnants of any storm that makes landfall. Unless you move into the traditionally flood prone areas of the county then you'll be fine.

Schools are a hot topic around here. The general concensus is that if you going to move to SOMD then you should try to live in Calvert County for schools. Calvert does spend more money per pupil but even the schools in St. Mary's manage to get the job done. Children are bused to school because this is a rural area (somewhat) especially compared to SD.

Others will share their experiences, good and bad, but like I said you have to take it with a grain of salt. Some people move here and love it and others can't wait to leave. I wouldn't live anyplace else but then again my roots are here.

Welcome to SOMD and to the forums. We are sometimes helpful, and sometimes mean and usually good for a laugh or two. (Bring your thick skin) :howdy:

Here are a couple of links to help:
St.Mary's County Gov't

Welcome to SOMD! :howdy:

Trust Kom's recommendations...he's been spayed AND neutered! :lol:

You should get some good info here. Best wishes!


New Member
There is a culture shock if you are coming from San I did. But it is not as severe as it was in 2001 when I moved to SoMD from the Scripps/Poway area. IT is rural, and when I got there cell phone coverage was spotty south of St Inigoes.

St Mary's schools are coming up...Great Mills HS was ranked highly in Newsweek's list of 1000 top high schools in the country in their most recent listing. Leonardtown is up there as well. That is a far cry from 5 years ago.

Homes have gone up in the past years, but you still get a better value for your money than in San Diego. I had great experience with my real estate agent, Hank Landry of ReMAX. Hank is a retired AMDO, and is great working with Navy and Marine Corps families. If you are thinking that this might be your last tour, your husband will likely have a few tempting job offers come his way to stay in the area.

My house in Mariner's Cove came through Hurricane Isabel in great shape...lost 4 tree's but no shingles or siding...and my crawl space stayed dry as Saudi Arabia thanks to my sump pump....and this is walking distance to the Chesapeake Bay.

When someone offers you some stuffed ham, don't ask what it is, but enjoy it....that will be a sign that you've been accepted as a local.


New Member
we came from Coronado, 5 yrs ago. Navy housing at Pax River is not San Diego housing. Rent or Buy. Hollywood and Wildewood Community is nice. Hollywood Elem is somewhat better then the rest. Leonardtown High School is rated better then Great Mills and Chopiton. You also have the choice of private school. Daycare and after school care is hard to find and then you have a wait list. Be ready for culture shock coming from San Diego (close to everything) St. Mary's you will have to drive 40 mins to the mall and the movie theaters in Lexington Park are in need of an upgrade. If you like Softball you will fit right in. Traffic is traffic no matter where you live Rt 235 going/coming from base is aweful all the time. Great Seafood (Capt Leonard's) and if you like boating, it's there. Home is what you make it, after being in the Navy and Retired now and moving around, you learn to give and take alot. So hang in there and just enjoy the new experience. And yes the stuffed ham sandwiches are the bomb.
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100% Goapele Head!
RangerJohn said:
When someone offers you some stuffed ham, don't ask what it is, but enjoy it....that will be a sign that you've been accepted as a local.
:tantrum Dammit, that's it. :mad:

Cheshire Cat, I can't help you much, I moved from the hoods of DC so my opinion is only worth anything to you if you came from the hood. :lmao:

:shrug: :flowers: Welcome to Southern Maryland and good luck with everything. :howdy:


New Member
Hi Chesire Cat,

I grew up in San Diego and I love Pax River. The change of seasons is wonderful. The crisp air of Fall and all the festivals (the Amish have a Home and Harvest auction) and the first snowfall in Winter are treats the we don't have in San Diego. Hurricane season is minimal, but you need to be prepared just in case.

Schools are a hot topic in the county. I suggest you actually visit the various school and speak with the principals. Do not go by test scores alone. Hollywood Elem. generates all the buzz but I know several people who do not like the school. One actually asked to transfer her kids back to Park Hall Elem. And, GASP!!! I have actually heard VERY POSITIVE things about the new Carver Elem :shocking: So I suggest you buy the house you like in a neighborhood that fits your needs.

We have several coffe houses. Try them all until you find one you like.

Southern MD has a very good network of complementary medicine practioners.
They may be able to point you in the direction of a progressive Vet.

Carla Norris from Century 21 the best Realtor we have used in my Husbands 22 year military career. Toll Free number is 800-638-7737 x142.

Hope this has helped.
Enjoy So MD


New Member
We moved here 4 years ago from calif due to an Airforce PCS to Andrews, We live in Mid Calvert - schools are excellent, definatley wouldn't move anywhere south of St Leonard in calvert. Commute from Calvert County to PAX would be a breeze for your husband , especially after living in SD. Mine drives to Andrews everyday and it's alot further. Southern MD is rural - nothing special here , stores are in St marys , lex park, hollywood, california . but when I say stores , I mean target,old navy,wally world.lowes,staples etc You have to drive to Annapolis and beyond for better shopping and malls , or Waldorf in charles county for a mall. Check out and you'll get info on homes for sale and rentals.
We have 2 years until retirement , not sure if we'll stay here. Let me know if theres any questions you have , I know how it feels to move clear across country with hardly any "good" info .

Cheshire Cat

New Member
:getdown: thanks for all the advice!

We know its going to be a culture shock, and we can't wait! :getdown:
I am thrilled to be leaving San Diego!
I just wish we could find out more information about the ( base)housing, so we don't have to drive there from CA and make a rash choice about where we will live.


New Member
Did you try this website for military housing?
I live in southern Calvert. We have great schools here - what grades are you looking at? Elementary schools are considered better in Calvert but there are decent ones in spots in St. Mary's. Leonardtown's system (which is in St. Mary's) is pretty good. Middle schools are just generally similar (all those wonderful adolescent beginnings problems). High schools are good throughout both counties. Yes, we have a gifted program in both counties (called Honors or Academy). At some of the elementary schools there is a before and after care program. Also, many in-home and centers provide before and after.
Our coffee houses are okay - nothing wild about any of them. Mainly it's the person making the drink that is the difference.
Hurricanes can happen. Last one that caused anything major was Isabel in 2003 (?). Floyd was before that in 1999. So, we are due for one. Make sure you have gas for your grill, though SMECO does a good job at getting power back on quickly.
Vet hospitals are around. I don't know about accupuncture, but we have a couple of excellent hospitals in the Tri-County area (St. Mary's, Calvert and Charles). I can't think of the names of those that run it right now, but Greenwell State Park in St. Mary's has a Therapeutic Ride program for disabled children to ride horses. I'll talk to the person I know who is in an Equestrian group and find out more info if you are interested. We also have an Equestrian Center up the road in Upper Marlboro (north of Calvert). It's called the Showplace Arena.
Sorry this is long. Hope it helps some! Welcome to the area!! We came from Sicily 8 years ago. Not moving since I love the area. My dh has just 3 short years left until retirement!!!!!


wandering aimlessly
Cheshire Cat said:
:getdown: thanks for all the advice!

We know its going to be a culture shock, and we can't wait! :getdown:
I am thrilled to be leaving San Diego!
I just wish we could find out more information about the ( base)housing, so we don't have to drive there from CA and make a rash choice about where we will live.
If they offer you housing that is physically on the base - it is exactly as you described earlier. There is also brand new "base" housing being built right now off-base behind a large shopping center. No clue on square footage.

Cheshire Cat

New Member
dbquad1993 said:
Did you try this website for military housing?
I live in southern Calvert. We have great schools here - what grades are you looking at? Elementary schools are considered better in Calvert but there are decent ones in spots in St. Mary's. Leonardtown's system (which is in St. Mary's) is pretty good. Middle schools are just generally similar (all those wonderful adolescent beginnings problems). High schools are good throughout both counties. Yes, we have a gifted program in both counties (called Honors or Academy). At some of the elementary schools there is a before and after care program. Also, many in-home and centers provide before and after.
Our coffee houses are okay - nothing wild about any of them. Mainly it's the person making the drink that is the difference.
Hurricanes can happen. Last one that caused anything major was Isabel in 2003 (?). Floyd was before that in 1999. So, we are due for one. Make sure you have gas for your grill, though SMECO does a good job at getting power back on quickly.
Vet hospitals are around. I don't know about accupuncture, but we have a couple of excellent hospitals in the Tri-County area (St. Mary's, Calvert and Charles). I can't think of the names of those that run it right now, but Greenwell State Park in St. Mary's has a Therapeutic Ride program for disabled children to ride horses. I'll talk to the person I know who is in an Equestrian group and find out more info if you are interested. We also have an Equestrian Center up the road in Upper Marlboro (north of Calvert). It's called the Showplace Arena.
Sorry this is long. Hope it helps some! Welcome to the area!! We came from Sicily 8 years ago. Not moving since I love the area. My dh has just 3 short years left until retirement!!!!!

thanks for all the helpful info.
I have looked at that site and there is nothing on there regarding what wait list times are, or what the housing sizes are, or what area's there are for Sr SNCO's.
My children are going to enter 2nd and 4th( not actually sure on that since he is in a GATE class that is 3rd and 4th together now and how that equates to MD schools).
We lived on the coast of NC for 8 years , in Havelock so we are all to familiar with hurricanes and living in the middle of now where :)


New Member
The housing off of Willows Road is similar to the Pomerado Terrace housing that is on the other side of USIU, and just a 3 mile trip from the North Gate at MCAS Miramar. Instead of Stucco, you have siding.

My youngest son attended Park Hall elementary and I thought that was a great school with some tremendous teachers.

since it appears you've 'done time" at Cherry Point, I think you'll get the hang of things pretty quickly.


New Member
Cheshire Cat said:
thanks for all the helpful info.
I have looked at that site and there is nothing on there regarding what wait list times are, or what the housing sizes are, or what area's there are for Sr SNCO's.
My children are going to enter 2nd and 4th( not actually sure on that since he is in a GATE class that is 3rd and 4th together now and how that equates to MD schools).
We lived on the coast of NC for 8 years , in Havelock so we are all to familiar with hurricanes and living in the middle of now where :)

If you ask me, there is no waiting list. Im an MP on the base and I know that some of the housing areas are empty. So you should be able to fit right in.

Cheshire Cat

New Member
If you ask me, there is no waiting list. Im an MP on the base and I know that some of the housing areas are empty. So you should be able to fit right in.

The question is, what KIND of housing is it? 2 bedroom? 4 bed room? Would i not want my worst enemy living there?Does it allow pets?Are they paper thin walled town homes where i can hear my neighbors getting thier freak on every saturday night? ;) I don't even know if the housing is divided by rank, here in San Diego we live in Staff NCO housing. I don't want to live in housing just cause there is an opening. I want to at least be able to tolerate the house I live in. i mean is it empty cause its just so bad?
Cheshire Cat said:
The question is, what KIND of housing is it? 2 bedroom? 4 bed room? Would i not want my worst enemy living there?Does it allow pets?Are they paper thin walled town homes where i can hear my neighbors getting thier freak on every saturday night? ;) I don't even know if the housing is divided by rank, here in San Diego we live in Staff NCO housing. I don't want to live in housing just cause there is an opening. I want to at least be able to tolerate the house I live in. i mean is it empty cause its just so bad?
I live on base, I think what is the empty stuff is mostly the areas that are getting ready to be torn down or renovated. So if you choose base housing, IMO you do not want Lovell or Chafee Courts, or Shepard's Terrace, those are the oldest of the units here. There might be a wait for other housing areas though. I can't tell you how paper thin walls might be in Glenn Forest (which is the area off base, not very far), in Carpenter Park, the set up is a bit off set. So the corner of the house (only about 5 feet of it) is actually attached to your neighbor's wall). You can hear the occasional bump, not much really. I'm not really sure what the square footage is here, but let me tell you it is spacious. There are 3 & 4 bedroom units here. We came here from CA too (Lemoore), and it's not brand new stuff like out there, but I think the footage is similar (no garages here though :frown: ). These units IMO are a bit lacking of closet space though. You have the big rooms, but small closets (the MB isn't bad though). Housing is not separated by rank here, it is privatized so I don't know if they can do that anymore. The school aone here is Lexington Park, I can't tell you anything about that because we don't go there. When we first got here, we were living in a different housing area which is in a different school zone (Green Holly, which I think is a good school), but last fall that housing area was scheduled to be demolished and we had to move. Since it was the middle of the school year, I didn't feel like changing the kids' school, don't they do that enough anyway with transfers? If you have other questions I might be able to help with, feel free to send me a PM......