Moving to PAX River area by Sept



Hope it helps

PM sent. Let me know if there is anything else you need help with.


Set Trippin
Cheshire Cat said:
( not actually sure on that since he is in a GATE class that is 3rd and 4th together now and how that equates to MD schools).
That should put him in his second year of college...:lol:

Cheshire Cat

New Member
mainman said:
That should put him in his second year of college...:lol:

ha ha ha very funny . :buttkick:

Thanks for all the helpful information. There is alot to think about that's for sure! Thanks to everyone who has PMed me you have been very helpful. I finally did find a website that had housing info on it, it was down all weekend until last night.
FINALLY i was able to see the housing that is there and estimated wait times.
I have spoken to housing this morning and the youth center on base and some of the elementary schools too! Being in CA, i can call as soon as I get up LOL before I head to work!


Just gettin by
Hi, I'm a Realtor here in Calvert County. Just about 15 miles to Pax. I don't know about St. Mary's schools. In calvert my son is going into 9th grade and is in the honors program, same as gifted and talented?? I can send you a link with some rental properties as well as some places for sale, if your interested. Either St. Mary's or Calvert. There's a couple of starbucks around. I haven't seen any 3rd graders with cell phones. We are still rural.


New Member
I retired from USN 11 years ago. Took a job and never left. I personally would take housing for the short term, no matter what it's like. Get a feel for the area, your likes or dislikes about certain areas, then make a decision.



New Member
Cheshire Cat said:
The question is, what KIND of housing is it? 2 bedroom? 4 bed room? Would i not want my worst enemy living there?Does it allow pets?Are they paper thin walled town homes where i can hear my neighbors getting thier freak on every saturday night? ;) I don't even know if the housing is divided by rank, here in San Diego we live in Staff NCO housing. I don't want to live in housing just cause there is an opening. I want to at least be able to tolerate the house I live in. i mean is it empty cause its just so bad?

Depends on the neighborhood. I lived in Carpenter Park and loved it. They are brick townhome type units that were remodeled a few years back and very nice. They have 3 and 4 bedroom models and are roughly 1900 sq ft with 2 1/2 baths. The joining wall is where the staircase is so there is a buffer...I never even knew there were people next to me.

The other on base housing is pretty much as you described. I've heard that Glen Forrest (off base) is nice but have never been inside. I doubt the new off base housing will be ready when you arrive.

Other than that...good luck, don't judge by what you read/see on the web, check things out in person, and enjoy!! Welcome to SOMD!!

p.s. stuffed ham is an acquired taste... :barf:


New Member
We relocated here 2 years ago from lemoore, CA and I currently live in Military housing. IMO- the best base housing is Glenn Forrest which is actually off base, there are no 950 square foot housing here. Glenn Forrest was the only housing that had a garage, which is a most have for me. I have to say coming from CA, I felt the school system fell extremely short. However, Leonardtown High School which my child did not attend has a great technology center. Living in any base housing puts your middle school child at Spring Ridge Middle (my child did attend) and compared to Cali, you will be disappointed. I here that Calvert has the best academic program close to this area. My child adapts well so it took a little getting use to but with the military lifestyle you meet other families that you previously new and it makes things more tolerable. The area to me is pretty quite and I have nothng to complain about other than the school system. There is a private school call Ryken that would be best if you have a gifted High School Student.