MRI w/ Contrast


I'm having an MRI with contrast done in a couple of weeks and have read about the side effects of the contrast. Have any of you folks suffered from side effects from this?
I'm having an MRI with contrast done in a couple of weeks and have read about the side effects of the contrast. Have any of you folks suffered from side effects from this?

No, and I've had a few. You can get a warm glow from the stuff, but it goes away quickly.


New Member
I just had a CT with contrast. No reaction but the nurse asked me if I had a reaction to shellfish. I suffered no side effects. The only effect I felt was the warm feeling stated by GW but it went away as quickly as it started.


Little ol' Me

I have only ever had it done once and am never allowed to have it done again.

The asked all the normal questions are you allergic to shellfish, etc, etc.

The minute they put the needle in my arm I felt like someone had poured gasoline through every vein in my body and struck a match, I explained this to the doctor and he said he had never heard of it before. Then asked if I thought I could proceed, I told him might as well it's already in my system. The doc said if you have any problems just raise your hand and I'll stop testing and come get you. He close the door I layed down flat and before I could fully extend my arm up I was voilently get sick all over myself.

Not fun at all..

To this day the know something in it I am allergic to, to have that kinda reaction but don't know what...


Nothing to see here
Awww...remember how we used to fill our Dough Roller sippy cups with grain and pink lemonade and then barf all day? :huggy:

Yep, sitting on the boardwalk in OC with the big bucket of popcorn offering it to all the unfortunate young ladies. Those were the days.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Yep, sitting on the boardwalk in OC with the big bucket of popcorn offering it to all the unfortunate young ladies. Those were the days.

I can't believe that was five years ago! Time flies!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Had several. Never a problem, except it does make you feel all warm and like you wet your pants. :lol:

Don't eat or drink anything before-hand for whatever length of time they tell you. That's to keep you from barfing all over then 5 mill. dollar machine (that's what they told me anyway).


Cleopatra Jones
Had several. Never a problem, except it does make you feel all warm and like you wet your pants. :lol:

Don't eat or drink anything before-hand for whatever length of time they tell you. That's to keep you from barfing all over then 5 mill. dollar machine (that's what they told me anyway).

Had contrast with both CT and MRI. Not allergic to any foods, had an empty stomach and still puked my guts out. That being said, if you look at me cross eyed I'll puke. :killingme


My Sweetest Boy
The "contrast" used in an MRI is different from a CT scan. The CT scan uses an idodine based contrast and that's where most of the problem is with reactions. MRIs don't use that sort of contrast and generally there isn't a problem.

I've had both..and have had a lot of MRI's of my head. :crazy: Some with contrast and some without. The one with contrast was a longer procedure and I was HEAVILY sedated. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I took it upon myself to decide that I didn't need contrast since I didn't want to get the injection. When I filled out the questionaire prior to the proceedure I checked the little box that asks if you're alergic to iodine. Doing so got me out of having to get the contrast.


My Sweetest Boy
I took it upon myself to decide that I didn't need contrast since I didn't want to get the injection. When I filled out the questionaire prior to the proceedure I checked the little box that asks if you're alergic to iodine. Doing so got me out of having to get the contrast.

Not for an MRI though.