Music Video Treatment


Originally posted by EvilDruidTalena
I had another vision!!! :getdown:

It's that X-Files theme. I see a pyramid, then a border around it, like a picture. It's a black border with pink roses, possibly a Spanish influenced work of art. I then see like rain drops, then a transparent flute appears over the pyramid. Then it gets into that techno part, and I see a little black blob in front of the pyramid, instead of the flute. The black blob is pulsing along to the beat of the song. Then I see a tan colored washboard towards the end, and I see the flute again, but it is in a solid form. It has the pink roses, but a black vine instead of a green vine. Then the song ends, and I see the rain again.

Yep that's it. :blushing:

You should go directly to the nearest mental health facility.:rolleyes:


New Member

:cheesy: Are my threads really THAT bad? They all die before 30 posts! (With the exception of politics....... :razz2: )

I included a pic of a weeping angel :blushing: lol I'm weird.


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American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Hewo.

Originally posted by EvilDruidTalena
I included a pic of a weeping angel :blushing: lol I'm weird.
You need to go visit the cemetaries in New Orleans, they have some cool stuff there.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by EvilDruidTalena
I'm planning a trip, RoseRed! *nah, J/K* I'd wanna go though! :cheesy:
Did you know that all the graves are above ground? That's because they are so close to see level (below in some cases I believe) that they don't want to coffins to pop out of the ground.