Muslim Women Seek to Recapture "Virginity"???


New Member

“In my culture, not to be a virgin is to be dirt,” said the student, perched on a hospital bed as she awaited surgery on Thursday. “Right now, virginity is more important to me than life.”

As Europe’s Muslim population grows, many young Muslim women are caught between the freedoms that European society affords and the deep-rooted traditions of their parents’ and grandparents’ generations.

Gynecologists say that in the past few years, more Muslim women are seeking certificates of virginity to provide proof to others. That in turn has created a demand among cosmetic surgeons for hymen replacements, which, if done properly, they say, will not be detected and will produce tell-tale vaginal bleeding on the wedding night. The service is widely advertised on the Internet; medical tourism packages are available to countries like Tunisia where it is less expensive.

“If you’re a Muslim woman growing up in more open societies in Europe, you can easily end up having sex before marriage,” said Dr. Hicham Mouallem, who is based in London and performs the operation. “So if you’re looking to marry a Muslim and don’t want to have problems, you’ll try to recapture your virginity.”
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New Member
LOL, thanks for the link Nucklesack.

Still, the premise of the procedure is done for "deception" and, as the article states, to give the "illusion of virginity."

However, I would tend to believe that the suggestions for a woman to remain chaste (virgin) pre-dated "Christianity" by several thousand years and was prevalent in many ancient cultures.

Meanwhile, for a woman to tell her husband that she is a virgin when she is not is still a lie and complete falsehood; something that was (and still is) allowed in the Islamic culture:

Chapter 261:

"...falsehood is permissible in the following three cases:
(i) While fighting Jihad in the Cause of Allah.
(ii) To conciliate between people.
(iii) For the husband to please his wife and the wife to please her husband."

Source: Book Seventeen: The Book of the Prohibited Actions

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New Member
Meanwhile, for a woman to tell her husband that she is a virgin when she is not is still a lie and complete falsehood; something that was (and still is) allowed in the Islamic culture:


kind of like a pregnant woman telling her husband she is a virgin?????


Lem Putt
Your grasping, the entire premise of your post was this was another of the "How odd are them raghead" threads.

The reality is this is a procedure adopted by all cultures and not just Muslims

:yay: In Italy, many of the prostitutes take it in the :whistle: so they can remain virigns until marriage. Tell me that isn't the ultimate hypocrisy!


New Member
Your grasping, the entire premise of your post was this was another of the "How odd are them raghead" threads.

The reality is this is a procedure adopted by all cultures and not just Muslims

Ah, c'mon Nucklesack - Why do you refer to Muslims as "ragheads"? Is that your own personal bias being reflected? While I do question the Islamic theology, as I question many other religious cults and teachings, I don't recall ever degrading Muslims in such manner. They are still humans but unfortunately have been (are being) fundamentally taught to hate Jews, Christians, Atheists, and all non-Muslims because that is what their god, Al'lah and Muhammad command of them.

I hope you will soon wake up to the reality of the ideological battle that is confronting and threatening the existence of Western culture.


Active Member
:yay: In Italy, many of the prostitutes take it in the :whistle: so they can remain virigns until marriage. Tell me that isn't the ultimate hypocrisy!

I had alot of Pakistani friends in college that came from pakistan and had sex in the:whistle: because they wanted to stay virgins until marriage. And the pakistani guys....lets not start on those hypocritical bastards. Yet they want a virgin. :eyebrow:


Active Member
Ah, c'mon Nucklesack - Why do you refer to Muslims as "ragheads"? Is that your own personal bias being reflected? While I do question the Islamic theology, as I question many other religious cults and teachings, I don't recall ever degrading Muslims in such manner. They are still humans but unfortunately have been (are being) fundamentally taught to hate Jews, Christians, Atheists, and all non-Muslims because that is what their god, Al'lah and Muhammad command of them.

I hope you will soon wake up to the reality of the ideological battle that is confronting and threatening the existence of Western culture.

The prophet and Allah command muslims to live in harmony with people of the book(eh lal kitab) that is, jews, christians. It is the fanatical wahabism that instigates the hatered.


Active Member
These muslim men in England from this article want virgins so that begs my question of why do we have so many muslim prostitues on the streets of southhall, hayes, bradford, birmingham to name a few. The muslim men hunt them down for their services.Thier long beard, their traditional dress, preching religion then go down the ally for a quicky with a muslim prostitute....nice one:eyebrow:


Thier long beard, their traditional dress, preching religion then go down the ally for a quicky with a muslim prostitute....nice one:eyebrow:
You would think they would make more money if they shaved their beards.


Asperger's Poster Child
Cultures have fetishized female virginity for millennia, and this procedure won't do away with that. But it's great that those women can have the last laugh. If their husbands and parents could have dressed up the women's hymens in bridal outfits, they would have done so, because that's obviously all the husbands wanted. They should be careful what they wish for.


Active Member
Cultures have fetishized female virginity for millennia, and this procedure won't do away with that. But it's great that those women can have the last laugh. If their husbands and parents could have dressed up the women's hymens in bridal outfits, they would have done so, because that's obviously all the husbands wanted. They should be careful what they wish for.

amen brother. And they wonder why the indian/pakistani community in the western world has the HIGHEST divorce.


New Member
The prophet and Allah command muslims to live in harmony with people of the book(eh lal kitab) that is, jews, christians. It is the fanatical wahabism that instigates the hatered.

Good try, but not quite accurate in your assessment.

Actually, the ideological goal of Muhammad was to completely replace all faiths and convert the entire world to accept him as the "last and final prophet of god."

in the year 610, Muhammad introduced Islam as a completely new religion that the whole world should convert to; first by invitation, then by pressure against those who refused. He invited pagan tribes to "embrace Islam" and fought against those who did not convert. Muhammad also required the jizyah tax from Jews and Christians (People of the Book) who wanted to keep their own faith and not convert to Islam. Jizyah is a form of "protection money" that is still required today in Muslim countries.

While Muhammad gave some slack to the "People of the Book" by allowing them to practice their own religion as long as they paid Jizyah, other people, pagans and atheists, were not as fortunate and were slaughtered for being "Infidels" and "the Unbelievers".

Additionally, the religious split that occurred after Muhammad's death is the reason why Sunni and Shi'a Muslims are in a power struggle over control of Islamic world.

Wahhabi Islam is only one branch of the Islamic sects who collectively believe that this entire world should worship the Islamic god, Al'lah and accept Muhammad as the last and final prophet. Wahhabi maintains the fundamental approach of Muhammad which is to conquer by "striking terror" into the hearts of non-Muslims and to persecute and kill those who do not convert.

The only sect of Islam that appears the most reasonably peaceable and willing to "live in harmony" is that of the Sufi, but they are seen as heretics by the Sunni, Shia and other Islamic sects who stick to the fundamental tenets of Muhammad's revelations that call for forced conversions.



Asperger's Poster Child
If there was a reliable way to determine if a man was a virgin, would women care? I've long been fascinated and confounded that cultures have one standard for male sexual activity and another for female sexual activity. The only explanation that makes sense is that these cultures seem to be trying to guarantee paternity.

Aside - on another forum, one member defended social patriarchy, or "womb controls" as he put it, by insisting that women already have a superior social position since they have no fear of cuckoldry. He claimed that all men are fearful of providing nests for other men's children.


New Member
If there was a reliable way to determine if a man was a virgin, would women care? I've long been fascinated and confounded that cultures have one standard for male sexual activity and another for female sexual activity. The only explanation that makes sense is that these cultures seem to be trying to guarantee paternity.

Yes, there are double standards in this regard.

However, there is a great risk of danger regarding the Muslim women who have the surgical procedure done to "restore their virginity." The danger is what would happen if the deceived husband ever found out. Western courts would allow for the annulment of the marriage while Shari'a law would allow the husband to take more drastic measures against the wife.

Aside - on another forum, one member defended social patriarchy, or "womb controls" as he put it, by insisting that women already have a superior social position since they have no fear of cuckoldry. He claimed that all men are fearful of providing nests for other men's children.

Must be an instinctive "genetic" thing.