Muslim Women Seek to Recapture "Virginity"???


Asperger's Poster Child
Western courts would allow for the annulment of the marriage

Are you talking about all marriages or Muslim ones carried out in Western courts?

while Shari'a law would allow the husband to take more drastic measures against the wife.

You're right about that danger. I suppose the woman could keep the truth to herself and console herself with that knowledge. Or else in a final act of revenge, she could reveal that to her husband on his deathbed.

Must be an instinctive "genetic" thing.

That would be true for a simple desire for paternity. But fear of cuckoldry
may involve deeper issues.


New Member
Are you talking about all marriages or Muslim ones carried out in Western courts?

All marriages. Deception would be enough grounds for annulment.

You're right about that danger. I suppose the woman could keep the truth to herself and console herself with that knowledge. Or else in a final act of revenge, she could reveal that to her husband on his deathbed.

Or, what if she happens to be with her husband when an old "boyfriend" shows up?

That would be true for a simple desire for paternity. But fear of cuckoldry may involve deeper issues.

Any idea about what would cause the deeper issues contributing to fear of cuckoldry?


New Member
Even worse they are told their God will make them believe in lies so that he can damn them to hell

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness

The context of that passage (from the New Testament-not Qur'an) states that the people chose through their own free-will to turn away from God and instead retain their unrighteous ways. In that case, God turns them loose and allows them to continue on as they wish. They would not have chosen God's ways even when shown the Truth!

Kind of like when you try to warn someone of a certain danger up to the point that you just have to let them go on believing there is no danger. God will not force people to love Him if they don't want to. Satan wins their soul.