My bad news...


USMC 1983-1995
this is going to sound so bad....the french eat alot of horse meat. I'll bet you anything that was the intent all along. I'm sure she got more for the horse than you accepted. I'm so sorry. maybe there is a paper trail on this 'horse' person selling a lot of horses via the 'broker' to Quebec.


Does my butt look big?
this is going to sound so bad....the french eat alot of horse meat. I'll bet you anything that was the intent all along. I'm sure she got more for the horse than you accepted. I'm so sorry. maybe there is a paper trail on this 'horse' person selling a lot of horses via the 'broker' to Quebec.

Nope at best he was a 14.1 hand large pony FAT FAT but only 850 lbs...even if he was 1000 lbs at high market price of 69 cents a pound he would not bring that best he was a $500 auction horse...I will try to find out what dealer got him from her


New Member
Nope at best he was a 14.1 hand large pony FAT FAT but only 850 lbs...even if he was 1000 lbs at high market price of 69 cents a pound he would not bring that best he was a $500 auction horse...I will try to find out what dealer got him from her

This just makes me wanna.... go kneecap somebody. :burning:


Kiss my Ass
Nope at best he was a 14.1 hand large pony FAT FAT but only 850 lbs...even if he was 1000 lbs at high market price of 69 cents a pound he would not bring that best he was a $500 auction horse...I will try to find out what dealer got him from her

Oh my goodness, Paso. I am so very sorry. This is the horse Giddy use to love and ride? What a nut job that lady was. I would call up the dealers in Maine to see if he is still there. It is worth a shot. Being a Paso, they may get more money holding onto him for a bit.


Horse Poor
Wow is all I can say Paso.:cds: You and jose had a bond. You were the only one that rode him without the issues he gave everyone else...He was a good boy. :buddies:I hope you can retrieve him......:smoochy:


New Member

Hope this email finds you well. We, and Jose, are all fine. I regret to inform however that Jose is not working out. After numerous attempts to ride him, with and without the help of experienced Paso Fino owners, Jose continues to buck, rear and bolt with his riders. His obnoxious head throwing and rearing are just too much to correct. I had hoped he was a 19 year old uncomplicated gelding for my young daughter. I do not feel safe with this animal and would not in good conscious sell him to another person without informing them of what we have encountered with him.

In today's market perfectly sound, sane and safe horses are for sale everywhere. There is no market for a 19 year old gelding with terrible vices. Unfortunately, I will be selling him to a local horse dealership whom will only hold onto him for a short time before he goes to Canada.


Many people on this forum know this horse...this is not this horse!

That is a totally backwards comment, I can't sell him to someone but I sent him to a broker?!?!
A horse with papers that's sound, the broker will sell him to someone. If no one has interest then they'll take him to auction. Sounds like you may have unknowingly sold to a broker to begin with and they couldn't place him.

We sold a horse once to someone that was soooo happy to get him so we let him go very cheap, he went right to sale! Horse people tend to be a shady group. NOT SAYING ANY OF YOU HERE ARE, you all seem to genuinely love your horses. Any of you that have been to auction or bought a horse know what I mean. I'm so sorry this happened! Good luck in trying to find him.


Does my butt look big?
Oh my goodness, Paso. I am so very sorry. This is the horse Giddy use to love and ride? What a nut job that lady was. I would call up the dealers in Maine to see if he is still there. It is worth a shot. Being a Paso, they may get more money holding onto him for a bit.

That was Bubba..he has a wonderful home in Va....this is the beautiful bay with 4 white socks I rode...


A horse of course!
We should-a just gone up there.
I really think there's got to be more to her side of the story...

Litigation with out of state peeps is difficult. State/County'/city laws and how civil matters are handled varies widely from state to state, the burden of notification and proof of identity since horses are property in the eyes of the law are all also at issue and even if you DO win, collecting is another can of worms.
I speak from experience....Even though I won my horse related case after 2 years and got a monetary award which just about equals my attorneys fees, actually getting the money is doubtful. Peeps have many creative ways of circumventing judgements. :frown:
I'm so sorry Paso. I hope Hose eventually finds his way back to you. Did you contact Netposse? Maybe they can help.


New Member
OH my! So sorry Paso. That's very sad to hear and really makes me angry that they would dump him off so quickly when you were willing to take him back.


Does my butt look big?
We should-a just gone up there.
I really think there's got to be more to her side of the story...

Litigation with out of state peeps is difficult. State/County'/city laws and how civil matters are handled varies widely from state to state, the burden of notification and proof of identity since horses are property in the eyes of the law are all also at issue and even if you DO win, collecting is another can of worms.
I speak from experience....Even though I won my horse related case after 2 years and got a monetary award which just about equals my attorneys fees, actually getting the money is doubtful. Peeps have many creative ways of circumventing judgements. :frown:
I'm so sorry Paso. I hope Hose eventually finds his way back to you. Did you contact Netposse? Maybe they can help.

K won $5k on her stolen american cream drafts...sold on contract..payments etc..never paid then they SOLD them and kept the money as they said they fed them..she won in court but never got paid..


A horse of course!
OH my! So sorry Paso. That's very sad to hear and really makes me angry that they would dump him off so quickly when you were willing to take him back.
There's a very special, very warm place for peeps like that. One only hopes they are driving a fuel truck when they go to it. :frown:


Does my butt look big?
There's a very special, very warm place for peeps like that. One only hopes they are driving a fuel truck when they go to it. :frown:

I drove w her to SC to get them...and they were gone....we looked everywhere on their property lol at night ..:yikes: