My dog is sick


RIP Quinn
Woody is doing much better. I called the vet about some pain meds last night and she said the Rimidyl was the equiv. to Motrin and to give him half a tab. A couple hours later, he was up and walking around...This morning he ran outside to poo... I am so happy. He's still not 100% but at least he's much more confortable and can walk.

New Member
Josimmon said:
So sorry he is not feeling so good...but he is a tough little guy he takes on all of those big horses, I am sure he will be ok. I am sure there was nothing you could have done...ticks are every where and sometimes the bug stuff just does not work...the only thing I could think of to get ride of the ticks are guinea hens....but those may not work with the neighbors...boy are they noisey

When you say guinea hens, are they the same as guineakeets? We used to have them years they eat the ticks? I never heard of them getting rid of ticks....