My helmet sucks...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...there is no way I should have a concusion for THAT little fall. :lol:

I was having a blast right up until the bike went THAT a'way and I went 'tother way. The first crash was just a few little stars. The second one was *BAM*, that harsh explosion. No effing way.

In any event, girl falls off horsie today, dad falls off motorcycle. :yahoo:



Happy Camper
...there is no way I should have a concusion for THAT little fall. :lol:

I was having a blast right up until the bike went THAT a'way and I went 'tother way. The first crash was just a few little stars. The second one was *BAM*, that harsh explosion. No effing way.

In any event, girl falls off horsie today, dad falls off motorcycle. :yahoo:


:poorbaby: I'm sure Vrai will make it all better!!


Go Bills!
...there is no way I should have a concusion for THAT little fall. :lol:

I was having a blast right up until the bike went THAT a'way and I went 'tother way. The first crash was just a few little stars. The second one was *BAM*, that harsh explosion. No effing way.

In any event, girl falls off horsie today, dad falls off motorcycle. :yahoo:


Why do you wear a helmet?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If the helmet struck anything it must be discarded and replaced.

Yup, just rode over to my buddies house, bad ass MX rider, and that's what he said. He's says it's good I pretty much know where I am and what happened. :lol:

I can tell you this; It hit MY head!

I'm gonna take a #### in it and plant a gerber in it and put it out to catch cats. And make helmets out of cats.


Yup, just rode over to my buddies house, bad ass MX rider, and that's what he said. He's says it's good I pretty much know where I am and what happened. :lol:

I can tell you this; It hit MY head!

I'm gonna take a #### in it and plant a gerber in it and put it out to catch cats. And make helmets out of cats.

That actress chick who is brain dead from a sking accident fell and conked her grape on the bunny slope and kept skiing. An hour later she got a headache and went to the lodge. Tomorrow they are pulling the plug on her. not that that is common at all but keep alert.

To be sure lets do a word association game. I will post a word and you reply a response.

