My husband


Happy Camper
Okay, a little off topic but, when I used to run a trot line, we baited it with bull lips... After that, I don't think I could EVER bring myself to even think about trying cow tongue.


Okay, a little off topic but, when I used to run a trot line, we baited it with bull lips... After that, I don't think I could EVER bring myself to even think about trying cow tongue.

he eats the heart too. :barf:


Lem Putt
Who eats a freakin' cow tongue???

Who wants dinner that can talk back to you???

If anyone ever tries to tell you what hot dogs or scrapple are made of, you might not want to listen. You really don't want to know what you have eaten.


I eat hot dogs, but not scrapple. I know what's in them, but they taste good to me.


Venison heart is excellent. Cooked in wine. :yum: But very high in colesteral.

I can't really think of anything that he hasn't eaten... squirels to mountain oysters... it's all good, as long as he doesn't expect me to eat it too.


I can't really think of anything that he hasn't eaten... squirels to mountain oysters... it's all good, as long as he doesn't expect me to eat it too.
Squirrel and rabbit is also great. Mom used to cook them in some red wine and a little crushed red pepper. :drool: I haven't had any of that in a long time, but then I don't hunt squirrel or rabbit anymore.


Squirrel and rabbit is also great. Mom used to cook them in some red wine and a little crushed red pepper. :drool: I haven't had any of that in a long time, but then I don't hunt squirrel or rabbit anymore.

Are you from Fredneck County? :eyebrow:


So, did you let him kiss you with that mouth?

It's actually tasty, the tounge that is.

Well his mouth already tastes like an ash tray since he smokes, so whats a little cow tongue added to the mix? :lmao:


I forgot to mention pheasant. Used to go straight from school to the woods and bag a couple for dinner. Of course in those days your could take your gun and hunting clothes to school in the trunk of your car and no one would give it a second thought. :shrug: Pheasant is great, but they aren't many left around PA anymore. Hard winter killed a bunch off a long time ago.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If anyone ever tries to tell you what hot dogs or scrapple are made of, you might not want to listen. You really don't want to know what you have eaten.

You couldn't pay me to eat scrapple - that stuff's scary.


Well-Known Member
You couldn't pay me to eat scrapple - that stuff's scary.

That's what I used to say...then I moved to the eastern shore. I'll eat it now, but it has to be very thinly sliced, and cooked soggy scrapple for me. I just had to get over the fact that it looks a little like sausage, but it's no where near the same texture.


That's what I used to say...then I moved to the eastern shore. I'll eat it now, but it has to be very thinly sliced, and cooked soggy scrapple for me. I just had to get over the fact that it looks a little like sausage, but it's no where near the same texture.
thinly sliced, and cooked well.......That's the way it's supposed to be cooked. About 1/4 in thick and well done, crispy. :yum: