vraiblonde said:
I'm still fleshing it out but:
- Cubans had been subjugated by the Spanish - tortured and thrown into prisons for speaking out against the government.
Same with Iraqis.
- The US stood by and watched, thinking we should get involved in this somehow.
Same with Iraq.
- The sinking of the Maine was the catalyst in the US declaring war. There is some speculation about the truth of this incident.
Same with Iraq and WMD.
- Manifest destiny - spreading American values and democracy to other countries/territories - was a popular sentiment of that time. Although Cuba didn't become a US territory, Guam, the Phillipines and Puerto Rico did.
Same now. We are definitely trying to spread Americanism and democracy to the Middle East. And while Iraq will probably not become a US territory, we'll certainly have US military bases there for years and years to come.
- The commercial motivation of the US going to war with Spain - stimulating the economy and industrial production.
Same with Iraq.
I guess, from my meager perspective it always seemed as though:
Americans kind of believed that the Spanish Caribbean was theirs, by right. Its proximity to us made it "ours". Kind of like how you'd feel if Long Island belonged to RUSSIA.
We kind of turned a blind eye to whatever went on in Cuba as far as its citizenry was concerned - because it was very profitable.
Almost every bit of history suggests to me that the sinking of the Maine was a deliberately staged event - or an accident. There was no intelligent reason why Spain would want to provoke a war with the United States. If the matter had been taken to court as though it were a murder, the question would be "Motive your Honor?".
American expansionism had run out - or had it? Provoking a war with a declining European power made it all too easy. And very profitable.
NOW - I can see all these things from the major detractors of the Iraq War - but I also see connections that more closely resemble the Barbary Wars - where America fought to a standstill what amounted to piracy and banditry and refused to cave in to extortion - "Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute" - as its European counterparts were all too willing to do. You had state-sponsored crooks holding the high seas hostage unless they got paid off. And in typical European fashion, they WERE. In typical American fashion, we kicked their ass for asking.