My little girl is turning into ...



She hates it when I talk sex to I make sure to do it often. It grosses her out, but I'd rather have her complaining about her mother than pregnant at 15. I was a hair band freak when I was her age, but my mother put the fear of God, her and unwanted pregnancies in my head. Figured if it worked for me, it'll work for her.

Oh, and WTF is with SoMD? Has everyone skipped the "birth control is a good thing" gene? She came home the other day and a friend of a friend is pregnant. 20, no job, no education, no boyfriend. And people think nothing of it? I grew up in the middle of bofo nowhere New England. Only things to do to entertain ourselves was cow tip and lots of sex. But we took precautions.

I am actively seeking to get my daughter on the mini pill as her "Aunt Flo" issue is just out of control and I was hoping the steady hormones would straighten her out. I also have been talking to her about going to the GYN to make sure nothing is wrong. I just finally flat out said YOU'RE GOING! And now she is pissed with me.