My next door neighbor...


Jersey attitude.
.... is a sleazeball! I am sickened. :dead:

Md. Airman Is Charged With Soliciting Va. Teen

By all accounts, Sgt. Darryl O. Walizer was a top-notch airman, someone who earned the privilege of working aboard Air Force Two as a member of the flight team designated to serve the vice president and other dignitaries.

But what his pristine military record of 18 years failed to show was a proclivity to prowl the Internet for underage girls.

Walizer, 38, a Waldorf resident, is facing his second felony charge in the past two years for allegedly soliciting sex over the Internet from a juvenile 260 miles away in Bedford County, Va. He was convicted in Ohio last year on a similar charge and was removed from his position as a steward on Air Force Two and other flight duties after his arrest there.
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I bowl overhand
AMP said:
.... is a sleazeball! I am sickened. :dead:

Krantz said this case is not just about sex but about the exploitation of a juvenile. The prosecutor said he has seen a growing number of Internet cases come across his desk that involved professionals, including the Air Force Two steward, a foreign diplomat and a college professor.
I understand the article, and not happy with what he is doing.. but steward and professional in teh same sentence?? Isn't steward a nice way of saying man-servant, or waiter?? Or in this day of political correctness is EVERYONE a professional?


Jersey attitude.
itsbob said:
I understand the article, and not happy with what he is doing.. but steward and professional in teh same sentence?? Isn't steward a nice way of saying man-servant, or waiter?? Or in this day of political correctness is EVERYONE a professional?

He was an in-flight steward on Air Force Two; I don't know enough about stewards and stewardesses to know whether they consider themselves professionals. Don't know what else he did in the service, except be a technical sargeant.

I thought he was a little light in the loafers, with his two little black Pomeranians that he walked each day. He really kept to himself.


I bowl overhand
Ken King said:
18 years, E-6 = :loser:
Thought in the Air Force they could retire with 20 at E-5, and NOTHING strange about retiring as E-6.. Air Force that was considered a "hard charger"..


24/7 Single Dad
itsbob said:
Thought in the Air Force they could retire with 20 at E-5, and NOTHING strange about retiring as E-6.. Air Force that was considered a "hard charger"..
:yeahthat: Lot harder to make rank in the AF than the other branches. It's so cushy that nobody gets out early.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Hard charging if you're running in reverse. I left at a little over 12 years with my line number for E-7. Under TopCap E-5 was out at 18 years. It might have chaged but somehow I don't think so.

Just checked and in 2003 an E-5 could go to 20 and an E-6 to 24 years so it had been adjusted some over the years since I left, but an 18-year Tech Sargeant is in no way a fast burner.
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Well-Known Member
You people are so judgemental!

If he did his duties well...why should his private life cost him his career? Its just a morality issue and we all know that really doesn't matter anymore right?
Give it a few years for the legal system to catch up to our progressive morals and this fine fellow would have committed no crime at all.

You know where I am going don't you?


Obama destroyed America
AMP said:
He was convicted in Ohio last year on a similar charge and was removed from his position as a steward on Air Force Two and other flight duties after his arrest there.
I'm surprised the USAF didn't boot him then. :confused:


New Member
Vince said:
Just think, in 10 months this piece of crap will be back out on the streets.
Ofcourse he wold be, but I think the military is tougher on pervs than civilian courts.....

As a matter of fact, the POS who tried to molest my child only got 18 months!!!! Whereas, the LT. who raped his daughter in FL I knew a few years ago, got court marshalled, discharged and imprisoned. Then stands to face charges in a regular court after his sentence is served in the military prison.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
fttrsbeerwench said:
Ofcourse he wold be, but I think the military is tougher on pervs than civilian courts.....

As a matter of fact, the POS who tried to molest my child only got 18 months!!!! Whereas, the LT. who raped his daughter in FL I knew a few years ago, got court marshalled, discharged and imprisoned. Then stands to face charges in a regular court after his sentence is served in the military prison.
Not necesarally. I knew a guy that was screwin his 14 year old babysitter. After a while the parents dropped the charges and the military put no record of the incedent in his personel record. The guy is still out there, and his record shows him as an A-1 squared away sailor. 365 men who were on the ship with him all know he's a dirty peice of crap though.


Luvin Life !!!
The sad part in all of this is that this person like many others I am sure right wrong or indifferent used the internet to live fantasies of the mind as perverse as they may have been and somewhere someday a lonely child who needed acceptance allowed this individual to influence them, encourage them to do things that they would never think to do only because they felt that love and acceptance would follow. As a mother of a teenage girl in high school who loves the computer. I tell her all the time that they may tell you they are 15 but indeed they could be a 40 yr old masquerading to prey on young souls to fill huge holes in their own inadequete lives. They may tell you what you want to hear but only to gain your confidence to fufill their needs.


New Member
The sad part in all of this is that this person like many others I am sure right wrong or indifferent used the internet to live fantasies of the mind as perverse as they may have been and somewhere someday a lonely child who needed acceptance allowed this individual to influence them, encourage them to do things that they would never think to do only because they felt that love and acceptance would follow. As a mother of a teenage girl in high school who loves the computer. I tell her all the time that they may tell you they are 15 but indeed they could be a 40 yr old masquerading to prey on young souls to fill huge holes in their own inadequete lives. They may tell you what you want to hear but only to gain your confidence to fufill their needs.
You are allowing your teenage daughter to get into these conversations?


Thanks Ken

I retired as an E-6. Some fields like I was had a 2% promotion rate. (Recip engine aircraft mechanic) No chance of crosstraining until the last aircraft were sent to the boneyard.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
grandpa said:
I retired as an E-6. Some fields like I was had a 2% promotion rate. (Recip engine aircraft mechanic) No chance of crosstraining until the last aircraft were sent to the boneyard.
This isn't a slam on you or any other person that retired as only an E-6, besides, for you, that was how many years ago? I also suspect that promotion rates were nothing near what they are today. Tech to Master rates in 2003 were running at better then 25%. While not exactly positive about now, when I was in, flight stewards only took the PFE portion of the exams which would give them better than average chances for advancement. My point is that promotions are a lot better then years gone by and this guy was not as sharp as many think he might be.


Jersey attitude.
Charles said:
You are allowing your teenage daughter to get into these conversations?

Sometimes you never know where these freaks are hanging out. Her daughter could be posting on, say, the message board for The OC or Degrassi High TV shows, and run into someone she thinks is a fan, and *blam* he's a serial child molester and she's run into him in a totally innocent way. That's why it is so hard for parents to protect their kids from these things other than to say over and over "Don;t trust anyone online, don't trust anyone ever, don't talk to strangers, don't give out any info."

THis guy kept to himself, probably hunched over his computer the entire time he was in that house, doing God knows what. He was pretty high strung, never smiled. I went over last year after some high winds to tell him that I found a shingle from a roof that wasn't mine, and advised him to check his. He acted like I was intruding on his space in some way. Now I know why he seemed so annoyed.


New Member
AMP sorry to hear that you found that this guy was living next to you. I agree you can't go around scaring them like this,

"That's why it is so hard for parents to protect their kids from these things other than to say over and over "Don;t trust anyone online, don't trust anyone ever, don't talk to strangers, don't give out any info."

Doing this most likely you will cause them to become some sort of recluse. All you can do is hope that all the work trying to teach your child right from wrong and how to see the truth will pay out, as they get older. I know that my youngest is on the Internet allot, the computer she is on is in the kitchen out in the open. I also know she doesn't know how I can monitor her Internet activities, and yes I check periodically.