My old trainer


laura+flare= gone
changeling said:
Me too, everyday I work toward qualifying for the 2008, 2012, 2016, and/or 2020 games I hope to see him there. After all we did date once. :howdy:

Do you think my pony is ready?
my horse couldnt even jump that lol. thats awsome that u have a goal!


New Member
I LOVE the pony picture and the comment about the pont walking under it..... well i think my co-workers think i am nuts b/c i just started laughing like CRAZY!!

"Every lesson he would take my dang stirrups and torture me. He also put me on the most stubborn, and obnoxius horses."

I feel your pain sister... my previous trainer use to make me ride all 3 of my horses in my usual 1 hour lessons (3 hours of riding back to back only time off to dismount and remount.. 1 hour saddle seat, 1 hour wester, 1 hour hunter) then when i was all done with that she would make me ride her horse named jammer...(as if his name doesnt give the next part away haha) bareback for 1 hour at the trot posting.. all while trying to keep his head set .... his name says it all b/c he was the bounciest, bummpiest, most uncomfortable horse!!! It was one hour of pure pain after 3 hours of toure lesson alone!!

But let me tell you something it all payed off in the end.. i was able to ride any horse w/o stirrups and have him screaming and bucking in circles and my legs were strong enough!!

my trainer woulld tell me "that which doesnt kill us only makes us stronger... now shut up get on and stop complaining!!!"