My poor cat...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
My male cat had a bout with hair loss/hair pulling. After spending $200+ at the vets this spring, running all sorts of tests and have them tell me they couldn't find anything wrong, I figured out it was stress related because I hadn't been home and given him enough attention. Since then, I've spent more time with him and he's stopped doing it. :yay: In fact, he's laying on my foot now and purring up a storm. :lol:

Cats, in spite of their reputation, can be very sensitive creatures. Any change in my cats' routine is met with stiff opposition and bad reactions. Maybe you can look and see if anything has changed in their environment that might cause him undo stress. Just a thought and good luck with your kitty.


New Member
a friend of mine her cat did the same thing....she found out it was allergic to flea treatments the had to give the cat antibiotics and steroids to stop the reaction...

General Lee

Well-Known Member
Could be a food allergy. Try an allergy formula food and give it time. It will take a couple weeks for your cat's body to detox the allergen. Meanwhile, see if the blood test you got earlier checked for hyperthyroidism. That will cause itching and hair pulling.....and in the long run death from complications.