The beav tried boones farm and american society went down from there.

The beav tried boones farm and american society went down from there.
Being a teen and just graduating from highschool I figured I should voice my opinion also. I personally think that high school students shouldn't be monitered like you guys are saying they need to be. Middle schoolers yes. High schoolers are almost adults and need to learn their responabilities. Your also not facing the problem of you stepson being a girl and posting racy photos. Is there a reason why you want to protect him so much? Has he done things in the past to make you worried about his internet access?
Myspace/ Facebook are jsut social things for most kids and when parents force them to be their friend and have them check their page is embaressing, that is why kids get freaked out about it. I gladly befriended my mother because I could care less.
I'm also sure that you all did things when you were younger you didn't want your parents seeing, etc.
WELL I am a parent and that you could "care less" about befriending your mother is great. That shows that there is nothing going on to worry about. However, for those kids who have a problem with befriending their parents. That is a sign that can not be ignored. That tells me that there is something they don't want me to see. That clearly means to me I need to monitor what's going on.
I agree when I was younger there where things I didn't want my parents to know BUT those things weren't available to the world.
Also, I think my kid appreciates me monitoring her facebook and myspace. It keeps the riff raff from getting out of hand that she would maybe have to deal with. Kids are much less apt to post trash when they know someone's mom is watching. :shrug:
What happened to the days when kids would meet new friends at school or the arcade? Play football in the backyard or baseball in a sandlot. Playing street hockey on the neighbourhood streets and having to yell "car coming" and pick the net up to move it outta the way. I guess I'm glad I was a kid back then. Technology is a great thing, but I also think it is a downfall to todays children. They don't get to interact with other kids the way we did when we were growing up. I'm sure its going to be worse when my daughter is in her teenage years. It scares the crap out of me thinking about it.
Ok, I'm done now.