Mystery object


Maybe it's a jet airliner turd. Them things get frozen like a rock as they drop and can do some gnarly damage.
Dondi said:
Maybe it's a jet airliner turd. Them things get frozen like a rock as they drop and can do some gnarly damage.
And the police have it. So when it starts to melt in the station.... :lmao:


Super Genius
Dondi said:
Maybe it's a jet airliner turd. Them things get frozen like a rock as they drop and can do some gnarly damage.
Like in Joe Dirt...

Meteor Bert: Well, it aint a meteor.
Joe Dirt: Yeah it is. It came out of the sky.
Meteor Bert: Well I'm sure it did but it aint no meteor. It's a big ol' frozen chunk uh ####.
Joe Dirt: What!
Meteor Bert: Oh yeah, see them airplanes they dump their toilets 36,000 feet. The stuff freezes and falls to earth. We call 'em Boeing bombs
[chomps teeth]
Joe Dirt: no that cant be. Thats not what it is
Meteor Bert: oh, afraid so. See that peanut? Dead giveaway.
Joe Dirt: Uhhh, no, thats a space peanut.
Meteor Bert: No, afraid not. That just a big ol' frozen chunk of poopy.
Studio manager: Dude you were eating off it!



pretty black roses
Dondi said:
Maybe it's a jet airliner turd. Them things get frozen like a rock as they drop and can do some gnarly damage.

If that were the case....It would be more of a Blue colored rock :lol:


24/7 Single Dad
"It's not all that uncommon to have rocks rain down from heaven," said Pryor, who had not seen the object that struck the Monmouth County home. "These are usually rocky or a mixture of rock and metal."
Dayum, if I'd gone to college and became a professer, I could announce in the newspaper that rocks are usually rocky :ohwell:


aps45819 said:
Dayum, if I'd gone to college and became a professer, I could announce in the newspaper that rocks are usually rocky :ohwell:
I could only picture Richard Pryor when I read that quote. :lol:


Would THIS face lie?
1)....If it is gold....Do the homeowners get to keep it?
2)....Suppose you were sittin on the turlit doing poopie when it fell...Would it have scared the crap out of ya?
3)....Homwowners insurance take care of that...I'm sure they'll try to get out of it..


I watched a show on (I think it was) the Discovery Channel of this guy that makes a living going around the world hunting for asteroids that have hit the earth. Since they are mostly made of iron he uses a metal detector to find them. I think he said he gets about $300+ for each one. He sells them to NASA.


Do these lines really go together? live in a township housing development / the affluent development. I just was wondering?


Routinely Derailed
Mingblink, Mars (AP) - When Gorzo reached his 350th birthday and asked his mom for a BB gun, she warned him that he'd shoot his optical sensors out. But nobody figured the first shot would reach escape velocity and head for earth.

"Kids these days," grumbled Zinfink Blatzfot, the local sheriff, "there will be repercussions when the earthlings spot this one, I just KNOW it."
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Railroad said:
Mingblink, Mars (AP) - When Gorzo reached his 350th birthday and asked his mom for a BB gun, she warned him that he's shoot his optical sensor devices off. But nobody figured the first shot would reach escape velocity and head for earth.

"Kids these days," grumbled Zinfink Blatzfot, the local sheriff, "there will be repurcussions when the earthlings spot this one, I just KNOW it."
I guess Gorzo got the gun back. :lmao:


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
The term used to designate any surviving fragment of the exploded planet Krypton, home world of Superman.
There are five distinct varieties of kryptonite (green, red, gold, blue, and white), the first three of which are toxic to Superman.

Green kryptonite, the only variety potentially fatal to Superman, induces lassitude and inertia followed by death if not removed in time from Superman's presence.

Red kryptonite inflicts bizarre and unpredictable - albeit temporary and nonfatal - symptoms, as when it divides Superman into twins or transforms him into an infant or a giant ant.

Gold kryptonite would permanently rob Superman of his super-powers were he ever to be exposed to its radiations. These three varieties of kryptonite are similarly hazardous to Supergirl, Krypto the Superdog, and all other surviving natives of Krypton.

Blue kryptonite is toxic only to Bizarro creatures. White kryptonite is harmful only to plant life. Whenever the word kryptonite appears in this encyclopaedia without a specific color designation, it is green kryptonite, the most common variety, that is being referred to.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
PsyOps said:
I watched a show on (I think it was) the Discovery Channel of this guy that makes a living going around the world hunting for asteroids that have hit the earth. Since they are mostly made of iron he uses a metal detector to find them. I think he said he gets about $300+ for each one. He sells them to NASA.
Discovery Channel or NGG... and the one I saw, the guys, two of them, sold them at a gallery in Texas. $300 a pound or something like that. They found one and the gallery owner appraised it at $96,000 or something like that.


2ndAmendment said:
Discovery Channel or NGG... and the one I saw, the guys, two of them, sold them at a gallery in Texas. $300 a pound or something like that. They found one and the gallery owner appraised it at $96,000 or something like that.
Not sure of the station but the one I watched was one guy.