domeglowing said:
No. To be honest up until recently I just did not pay that much attention to north/south korea, sorry I am a dumazz. Can you tell me more?
Korea has been a problem since the war, as the war has not ended yet. We are in the midst of a cease fire since the 50's, nobody surrendered, nobody was victorious. We just decided to stop killing each other temporarily. North Korea sends teams to cross the border fairly regularly to disseminate propaganda and conduct espionage and spying. N Korea has also succeeded in assassinating the S Korean President. About 50 years ago a N korean agent was sent to the South when he was a child.. This agent worked his way to being an assistant or security (I don't remember which) for the President, 30 years after being sent to S Korea he completed his mission.
At this point in time N Korea is a ticking time bomb. They can't feed their own population, peope regularly starve to death there, and the problem we have with the MExican immigration China has with N Korean immigration. N Korea has it so bad, that there are reports of villages resorting to cannibalism to stay alive. While the President keeps his Army well supplied and well fed, the citizens starve to death.
Now this maniac may have Nuclear weapons.. if that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will.
There has been continuos skirmishes and firefights on and around the DMZ since the 50's but generally it was kept quiet in our country. A few years back the DMZ went from our control, and given to the S Koreans, no more firefights or casualties from our side.
I know of two firefights of which I heard from the people that were there IN the fight. One fight we were successful in stopping an incursion, they found 5 N Koreans dressed in wet suits in the kill zone, and 48 hours later EVERYONE that was involved in the firefight was out of the country. I first heard this story from someone that was in the platoon that was on sickcall that day. When he got back, his entire platoon was packed up and GONE, no explanation. A few years later I talked to the Patrol Leader that engaged the N Koreans and got the rest of the story.
The other story wasn't so good for our side other then ONE person getting a Soldiers MEdal for dragging the rest of his squad out of the kill box after a grenade attack from the N Koreans. Everyone lived, but only one got away unscathed.
Both of these incidents occured in the mid to late 80's, thirty years after the
"end of hostilities!"