Nailed it


Well-Known Member
Likely...Remember how the Green New Deal utterly collapsed? Guess what...this is the payback. Make Americans collapse financially for daring to be an oil exporting country. Davos & Bare Shelves love this version of revenge.


Well-Known Member
Electric cars, Solar Panels, and Windmills are more important than the lives and economy of our Country.

The Nitwits have listened to the Chicken Littles of the world saying we are doomed if we don't control the climate . They actually believe that they can control the weather and the Climate, by shutting the oil down and destroying our economy.
Pushing for electric cars and all-electric homes while at the same time telling us there will be brownouts this summer because we cannot produce enough electricity to support the system while closing down the very plants needed for that supply.

Now I never laid any claim to being smart, but Sheeeit, even I can see the Fallacy here.
We will be short on our crops this year because of a shortage of fertilizer so Biden wants to have 15% ethanol and use corn to dilute our gasoline. Food being burned to replace oil, and that ethanol destroying our vehicles.
Vacations for many are out of the question this year, and even the big box stores are complaining, because people are spending so much on fuel they cannot afford what the stores have to sell.

And still 38% would vote for Joe Biden and Steny Hoyer, and Van Hollen and Cardin again.
If Biden thinks his popularity is bad now, wait until people get hungry.
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Well-Known Member
Electric cars, Solar Panels, and Windmills are more important than the lives and economy of our Country.

The Nitwits have listened to the Chicken Littles of the world saying we are doomed if we don't control the climate . They actually believe that they can control the weather and the Climate, by shutting the oil down and destroying our economy.
Pushing for electric cars and all-electric homes while at the same time telling us there will be brownouts this summer because we cannot produce enough electricity to support the system while closing down the very plants needed for that supply.

Now I never laid any claim to being smart, but Sheeeit, even I can see the Fallacy here.
We will be short on our crops this year because of a shortage of fertilizer so Biden wants to have 15% ethanol and use corn to dilute our gasoline. Food being burned to replace oil, and that ethanol destroying our vehicles.
Vacations for many are out of the question this year, and even the big box stores are complaining, because people are spending so much on fuel they cannot afford what the stores have to sell.

And still 38% would vote for Joe Biden and Steny Hoyer, and Van Hollen and Cardin again.
If Biden thinks his popularity is bad now, wait until people get hungry.

I keep seeing all these commercials for electric cars but it seems only the affluent can afford them. I've also yet to see an ad on the cost of one or like a gas powered car any kind of 1.9% financing. They do include the order yours now.


If I may ...
If I may ...

Electric cars, Solar Panels, and Windmills are more important than the lives and economy of our Country.
Actually? It's more like insignificant bug such as that stupid tiger beetle that keeps people from doing anything to save their homes near an eroding cliff. Or in California for a stupid tiny little fish called a Delta Smelt that requires the massive outflows of reservoir water instead of using it for electrical production or drinking water, even during the worst drought in decades. Amongst others, that would naturally die off anyways, but because of stupidly designed to go against the needs of humanity, these little tiny stupid creatures take precedence and are far more important than the lives of mere humans.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
There's the old saw which has worked for centuries - "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door"
(Yes, I KNOW the EXPRESSION is not that old, but the concept IS).

If you make an electric car that is cheaper, more reliable and every bit as easy to use and maintain as a regular car that runs on gas - and people will make their own choice.

Right now, there's EASILY about four or five reasons why I have no desire to go to an electric car - and cost is certainly CHIEFLY among them. Rich senators and representatives do not at all grasp that the overwhelming majority of us CANNOT just switch to an electric car when we're still struggling to pay for the one we're driving.

They're clueless if they think the impediment to switching to a brand new electric car is just inertia. THAT is them - they can easily handle the cost. The rest of us can't.

I guess what is most exasperating is that the pain of paying for gas isn't because of dwindling resources or outrageous demand - it is deliberately pushing the cost out of reach, more and more.


If I may ...
If I may ...

Rich senators and representatives do not at all grasp that the overwhelming majority of us CANNOT just switch to an electric car when we're still struggling to pay for the one we're driving. They're clueless if they think the impediment to switching to a brand new electric car is just inertia. THAT is them - they can easily handle the cost. The rest of us can't.
Contraire. These elected azzholes know exactly what they are doing, and saying, as they carry the water of those that fund their campaigns and hence allow them to stay in office. They know that people can't afford them. They get the detailed economic reports that never see the light of day, of which the watered down versions are reported showing the BS of a growing economy and high employment numbers.

It is all planned and they implement and push the narrative they are told to push.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
It is all planned and they implement and push the narrative they are told to push.
Planned? Of course. Biden as much declared it. Short-sighted? Absolutely and daily these guys confirm that they sort of know the numbers but don’t even in the slightest grasp the reality. Nancy proved that with her little ice cream stunt; Democratic executives all over during the pandemic with their draconian and WHIMSICAL non-science edicts - never realizing the dire desperation they created.

Politicians don’t create misery for no reason. I have to think when there’s no reason it’s not malice but stupidity. There’s no logic to impoverish people in an effort to compel them to spend money you’ve just despoiled them of. You can’t switch to an expensive electric car when you’re too busy slashing expenses just keep the one you have.


Well-Known Member
Why would I switch to an electric car.?
I fill my tank with gas when it needs it. I don't have to take it home and plug it in every night.
Some times it's a week between fillings.
When I need gas there is a place to buy it right around the corner, I don't have to search for a place to sit and twiddle my thumbs while it decides to take a charge. Fuel is expansive, but so is electricity, and both are getting more expensive by the day.
One of the most blatant reasons for not getting an electric car. I hate being forced to buy something I don't want.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Planned? Of course. Biden as much declared it. Short-sighted? Absolutely and daily these guys confirm that they sort of know the numbers but don’t even in the slightest grasp the reality. Nancy proved that with her little ice cream stunt; Democratic executives all over during the pandemic with their draconian and WHIMSICAL non-science edicts - never realizing the dire desperation they created.

Politicians don’t create misery for no reason. I have to think when there’s no reason it’s not malice but stupidity. There’s no logic to impoverish people in an effort to compel them to spend money you’ve just despoiled them of. You can’t switch to an expensive electric car when you’re too busy slashing expenses just keep the one you have.

See, and I'm the exact opposite, so we'd make a great talk show panel. :yay:

I think it's definitely malice because these are not stupid people. They are experts in their field. Whatever your opinion of Nancy Pelosi, I think we'd all have to agree that she's a brilliant politician (not a good representative, or a good steward of public well-being, but a good politician - deal maker, threatener, double-dealer, extortionist, smearer of opponents, etc).

If you look at Socialist countries, the ordinary citizens work their asses off to live in poverty while the ruling class have all the wealth and live like the kings they are. Our rulers can indeed force us to buy electric cars from their cronies - they can simply ban gas powered vehicles. We've given them that power and allowed them to own the propaganda outlets that convince weak minded types to go along.

Politicians typically create misery because there's something in it for them - you're definitely right about that. And what's in it for them is money and power.

Nancy absolutely knew what she was doing with her ice cream stunt - she was rubbing it in the faces of the lessers. And what's more she didn't care. She has more than enough people in this country who will eat cat food while admiring and defending her frivolous wealth. Look at the people who send their food and electricity money to wealthy televangelists...even AFTER they've been exposed as frauds.



If I may ...
If I may ...

There’s no logic to impoverish people in an effort to compel them to spend money you’ve just despoiled them of.
Logic? Hahahaha. But then you aren't thinking like evil, hostile, immoral, depraved, deviant, vile and nefarious, degenerate, purposefully destructive, and psychotic psychopath Synagogue of Satan worshipers, now are you? These people do not use logic. They get joy, get off on, from intentionally screwing people over and causing suffering while they enjoy the best cuts of meat and a full table of food in a one of their big houses with garages filled with gas burning vehicles. We're like circus animals to them, making us jump through hoops performing for them. You must realize, act and plan accordingly, that government is the enemy controlled by those with duel citizenship, inside and outside of government, are unpatriotic, treasonous, and with no loyalty or allegiance to his Nation.


Well-Known Member
If I may ...

Logic? Hahahaha. But then you aren't thinking like evil, hostile, immoral, depraved, deviant, vile and nefarious, degenerate, purposefully destructive, and psychotic psychopath Synagogue of Satan worshipers, now are you? These people do not use logic. They get joy, get off on, from intentionally screwing people over and causing suffering while they enjoy the best cuts of meat and a full table of food in a one of their big houses with garages filled with gas burning vehicles. We're like circus animals to them, making us jump through hoops performing for them. You must realize, act and plan accordingly, that government is the enemy controlled by those with duel citizenship, inside and outside of government, are unpatriotic, treasonous, and with no loyalty or allegiance to his Nation. seem to be a bit nebulous, or opaque on this point. Next time, don't hesitate to show your true feelings.


If I may ...
If I may ... seem to be a bit nebulous, or opaque on this point. Next time, don't hesitate to show your true feelings.
Forthwith from herein out I shall endeavor to be more word smithy using the most suitable and pertinent appropriate syntax arranged in such an elucidation of structure as to leave one with no doubts or apprehensions as to the meanings of my musings.