

New Member
Well I got my nails done today. I got a tips put on and now the sides of some of my fingers are hurting. I have not done my nails in about three years and just wonder if they are sore from not being use to having them. They are not long at all. Is this normal?? fingers are not red at all. They are just sore.


New Member
yes usually mine are sore for a couple days, i always kinda figured it was from the tips being pushed onto my nails, ya know?


Active Member
cdsulhoff said:
Well I got my nails done today. I got a tips put on and now the sides of some of my fingers are hurting. I have not done my nails in about three years and just wonder if they are sore from not being use to having them. They are not long at all. Is this normal?? fingers are not red at all. They are just sore.

Its normal but its not a good thing to have. I used to get me nails done and they would be some like that as well from the filing and the little sanding machine to rough up your nails before they put the tips on. However I no long get them done for that reason alone. The wear and tear of the filing and the sanding basically caused the my skin on the sides to seperate from the nail. Not a whole lot but enough now that when my nails grow out a little long, they start to curve downwards because the dont have the support on the sides to keep the nail growing out and with a slight curve in them. Now I just have to keep my nails short until I can find a place that does everything by and hand and is very very light on the buffing.

Just a little word of precaution for the long run...........However to answer your question, its normal.
Booboo3604 said:
Its normal but its not a good thing to have. I used to get me nails done and they would be some like that as well from the filing and the little sanding machine to rough up your nails before they put the tips on. However I no long get them done for that reason alone. The wear and tear of the filing and the sanding basically caused the my skin on the sides to seperate from the nail. Not a whole lot but enough now that when my nails grow out a little long, they start to curve downwards because the dont have the support on the sides to keep the nail growing out and with a slight curve in them. Now I just have to keep my nails short until I can find a place that does everything by and hand and is very very light on the buffing.

Just a little word of precaution for the long run...........However to answer your question, its normal.

I used to have tips. I once soaked them off and decided to try a new nail place. The new girl was not able to apply tips to my nails until they grew out because my nail bed had almost completely been filed away from those electric sanding machines (whatever they're called). They ruined my nails! I'll never do that again. I'll stick with my short nails anyday.


New Member
how do you soak them off, or should i say what to soal them in... i want to take mine off but i don't want to pay them for it and i don't want to just rip them off again
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pretty black roses
ashliekay711 said:
how do you soak them of, or should i say what to soal them in... i want to take mine off but i don't want to pay them for it and i don't want to just rip them off again

Get pure acetone and be prepared to sit there for awhile for the stuff to come off.


i just took my acrylics off the other day..I hate the little sunken in part of my nail now...looks fabulous...its either wear acrylics all the time or just leave em alone :)


New Member
nitwhit3286 said:
i just took my acrylics off the other day..I hate the little sunken in part of my nail now...looks fabulous...its either wear acrylics all the time or just leave em alone :)

yeah i hated that too, but i went to target and bought one of those buffer blocks that they use and i use that every time i take my nails off now, it makes your nails kind of thin but it makes them all one... depth i guess you would say instead of having that ridge


Well-Known Member
jwwb2000 said:
Get pure acetone and be prepared to sit there for awhile for the stuff to come off.

I was in Chemistry lab once and we were doing an experiment with acetone...the lab instructor got mad at me for removing my nailpolish during class. :lmao:


New Member
I found a product at CVS called Tips Be Gone. It is a remover for acrylic and artificial nails. Best stuff I have ever found to use as nail polish remover or to take the nails off with. Once they loosen, slide a piece of paper under the loose part and slowly use it to loosen the rest of the nail. Minimal damage. I find that removing them myself is less painful and damaging to my nails.
Your fingers should NOT be hurting and you should NOT have damaged nails when the sanded part is grown out. It sounds like they weren't done properly. Having a dip in your nail or your fingers hurting both sounds like they were sanded way too much and/or too hard.
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New Member
They talked me into getting tips on my nails when I went in for a pedicure. Big mistake! Tips are fugly and everyone can tell when you have fake nails. I hated them. I left them on and let my nails grow out and when I took them off, it felt like my nails could breathe, it was amazing. I guess all wasn't lost because I have managed to keep my real nails a decent length for quite some time now. I am a compulsive nail biter and all my life I had the most horrible short nasty nails, I would bite them sometimes til they hurt or bled :twitch: Hopefully I'm broken of my habit now.


New Member
Azzy said:
They talked me into getting tips on my nails when I went in for a pedicure. Big mistake! Tips are fugly and everyone can tell when you have fake nails. I hated them. I left them on and let my nails grow out and when I took them off, it felt like my nails could breathe, it was amazing. I guess all wasn't lost because I have managed to keep my real nails a decent length for quite some time now. I am a compulsive nail biter and all my life I had the most horrible short nasty nails, I would bite them sometimes til they hurt or bled :twitch: Hopefully I'm broken of my habit now.

:lmao: i'm the SAME EXACT way, hell the only time my nails actually grow without me chomping them off is when i have fake nails on there! but when they actually grow, (i'm not sure if this is because i've bit them since i was young) they are EXTREMELY thin and brittle, and i'm not quite sure how to get them to thinken up... any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
ashliekay711 said:
:lmao: i'm the SAME EXACT way, hell the only time my nails actually grow without me chomping them off is when i have fake nails on there! but when they actually grow, (i'm not sure if this is because i've bit them since i was young) they are EXTREMELY thin and brittle, and i'm not quite sure how to get them to thinken up... any suggestions?

Try taking vitamins or drink more water. Mabye try polishing them with Sally Hansen "Hard as Nails" or something like that....:shrug:


New Member
Cowgirl said:
Try taking vitamins or drink more water. Mabye try polishing them with Sally Hansen "Hard as Nails" or something like that....:shrug:

yeah i actually drink a lot of water, i've tried the hard as nails stuff, but i dunno, it just doesn't seem to work, i havn't tried vitamins though, thanks


New Member
I got tip but they are short. I only do the French manicure thing. I don't care for really long nail and funky paint jobs. My nails will grow but once they get a certain length they break. It is so frustrating.
There was a lady in the place getting her nail done and OMG she had them long. Doesn't even look like they cut any off. That was nasty. Then she had them painted purple and had a design painted on each of them. That is just tacky.

By the way finger stopped hurting the next day. I guess my fingers was not use to all the filing..


New Member
yeah i saw a lady with nails like that one day during the summer at the grocery store... the nastiest part is that she was wearing flip flops and her toenails were just as long and funky painted!!! :barf:
Chasey... I'm really glad you are happy with the results, but ummmmm... no, I don't want the name/number of your manicurist...:eyebrow:


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