Name Change



Which way is the more "appropriate" way to change a woman's name when she gets married?

First Name - Middle Name - New Last Name
First Name - Old Last Name - New Last Name


Which way is the more "appropriate" way to change a woman's name when she gets married?

First Name - Middle Name - New Last Name
First Name - Old Last Name - New Last Name

Depends on your heritage


New Member
Which way is the more "appropriate" way to change a woman's name when she gets married?

First Name - Middle Name - New Last Name
First Name - Old Last Name - New Last Name

I did First Name, Middle Name, New Last Name...but it depends on how you feel about it..


Throwing the deuces
I did First name, Middle name and then (new) Last name. However, my MIL does First name, maiden name and then new last name. Her name is Barbara Jean Smith and she hated her middle (sounded too country/back-woodish) and her maiden name (too common and she wanted to be anything thing but common).

What's funny is that our last name isn't really the correct name. My husband's grandmother made her soon to be husband change the last name before she'd marry him. Changed a few letters and viola!... new last name! Tough broad considering she was only 18 at the time.


USMC 1983-1995
Just remember - you have to change EVERYTHING your current name is associated with: Social Security (yes you need a new card), drivers liscense, voter card (I hope you're a registered voter), passport, bank, credit card, utilitity companies, medical/dental records, IRS (didn't see that one coming did you?), state comptrollers office, the three credit bureaus, and all other associations and business you might be registered with.:cds:

have fun