NASCAR bashers, this one's for you!



Guest said:
The ones I don't understand are you proactive haters and bashers and trashers of auto racing, especially NASCAR as America's most visible form.

Why must you e-mail here, and barge into the ESPN Conversation after any given NASCAR story, to mouth off that NASCAR isn't a sport, that there's no skill involved, and that it's followed only by dumb people?

If you don't like it, why not just ignore it? Why such vitriol? Why are you so angry? Have you considered seeking counseling for this?

What has NASCAR ever done to you?

Have you ever been attacked by a NASCAR fan? Even bothered by a NASCAR fan?

Do they harass you on the streets, preaching to you? Do they ask you for spare change to support their cause? Do they knock on your door and push propaganda tracts on you? Do they want to enter your house and convert you?

Has somebody driven a car into your living room and revved the engine? Do you have neighbors who keep your walls throbbing 'til the wee hours with NASCAR engine noise on their sound systems?

Does NASCAR place unstoppable pop-up ads on your favorite Web sites? Does Brian France pre-empt your favorite prime-time programming on all channels to deliver addresses on the state of NASCAR to the nation?

To borrow a little from a Lewis Black comedy bit, do hooded commandos invade your home in the evenings and place Dale Earnhardt Jr. stand-up cutouts in your children's bedrooms, chanting "Jun-ior! Jun-ior!" as they go about their evil work?

Fact is, the only invasions of your life ever attempted by NASCAR could be easily repulsed with one touch of the channel changer or click of the mouse.

ESPN has five channels and a Web site, all running 24/7. That's 840 hours per week of television programming alone. So you're telling me that a few hours a week of NASCAR programming, and a few columns and stories, send you fleeing to the hills in terror?

ESPN - Ed Hinton: Leave us alone, NASCAR bashers



24/7 Single Dad
NASCAR not racing stock cars is why GM, Ford and Chrysler are in the dumper.
Since people quit borrowing money to buy the models that win races, the banks failed.

Nascar is destroying our country :cds:



Poor Jags.
It's okay.

They'll be back next year.

And I'll still be talking schit about the Redskins for the next 5 weeks. :dye:

While I'm at it:

MLB = :snooze:
NBA = :yawn:

The only sports as exciting as racing are NHL and EliteXC.


Isn't that what you said last year?

Keep Gregg Williams warm.

I was accurate, wasn't I? Last year, I said the Jags would be back and long and behold - the Jaguars of old are back, losing record and everything! :yahoo:
