National smoking ban?


Well-Known Member
residentofcre said:
I quit smoking in December but let me tell you the 50lbs I gained [so far] is causing me some serious health problems and it isn't doing my self esteem any good either.
This past December?? 50 POUNDS?? You better get away from that Food Lion.


willie said:
This past December?? 50 POUNDS?? You better get away from that Food Lion.

Could only imagine what I would weigh if I was going to Food Lion.... :killingme

Hopefully walking door to door will help me burn off some of it.... And I will be getting some exercise next week on vacation.... [wait fishing doesn't count... oh well]


Lobster Land
Not being able to smoke, or hindering my ability to smoke, was a major reason in my retiring early. Worked for the federal government, was told no smoking in the office but in the halls was OK. Shortly after no more in the halls we had to go outside. So we went outside and in the rain the people above the overhang complained the smoke was coming in. This was at NSA where the windows are very special and listening devices can't penetrate. Then we had to stand in the rain until they finally built us a shed in the middle of the courtyard. Well Buela, it's raining cats and dogs and I have to walk through it to get under cover. I'm very respectful of non-smokers and will only induldge my habit outdoors if they are around. I can't remember the last time I smoked inside a business. What I really don't understand is why special interest groups and the government says smoking is the worst thing ever yet doesn't tell R.J. Reynolds and others to just stop making them. They say wearing seat belts and PFD's saves lives yet for some reason smoking is different? Same applies to alchohol when you think about it. If it were as bad as some would have us believe why not outlaw it altogether?


New Member
oldman said:
. They say wearing seat belts and PFD's saves lives yet for some reason smoking is different? Same applies to alchohol when you think about it. If it were as bad as some would have us believe why not outlaw it altogether?

They did ban alcohol for a while a long time ago, it didn't work very well. But as for alcohol today, nobody is spitting it in my face, forcing me to partake. One very odd fact about smoking and cancer- the Japanese have a lung cancer rate FAR below the US, yet they out-smoke the US by leaps and bounds - interesting.


Lobster Land
Coaster said:
They did ban alcohol for a while a long time ago, it didn't work very well. But as for alcohol today, nobody is spitting it in my face, forcing me to partake. One very odd fact about smoking and cancer- the Japanese have a lung cancer rate FAR below the US, yet they out-smoke the US by leaps and bounds - interesting.

Believe me, I would not suggest smoking isn't a bad thing. I will probably die from it and would readily tell anyone to never start. At the same time everyone is going to die from something, I just made a choice as to what. But it was my choice and I don't blame anyone except myself. Read the reports from year to year, Anacin is good for you and then it isn't, coffee is bad for you then it isn't and the list goes on and on. We all make good or bad decisions in life and I'd like to believe we just have that option without having the government make it for us. God gave me a mind to use as I see fit which when you really think about it gives me as an individual a lot of latitude.


oldman said:
Believe me, I would not suggest smoking isn't a bad thing. I will probably die from it and would readily tell anyone to never start. At the same time everyone is going to die from something, I just made a choice as to what. But it was my choice and I don't blame anyone except myself. Read the reports from year to year, Anacin is good for you and then it isn't, coffee is bad for you then it isn't and the list goes on and on. We all make good or bad decisions in life and I'd like to believe we just have that option without having the government make it for us. God gave me a mind to use as I see fit which when you really think about it gives me as an individual a lot of latitude.

If they were to ban tobacco all together.... this would be one very mean nation for a while.... then they would raise the tax on alcohol and mints... :coffee:


Lobster Land
residentofcre said:
If they were to ban tobacco all together.... this would be one very mean nation for a while.... then they would raise the tax on alcohol and mints... :coffee:

Yes it would be a very mean nation for a while. And how would raising tax on alcohol be anything new? The taxes on cigarattes and alcholol are already out of this world and only going up. Please show me or prove to me that this tax money is going to the prevention of either disease or even that it is going towards the medical costs of either. I'm not saying it isn't, but I haven't read where it is either. In my opinion the money goes to the State to pay for all the give away programs we have, am I wrong? If a person stops smoking mints aren't needed because their breath smells fresh and clean - or is that a soap commercial? N.J. is currently in a shut down because those in charge can't agree to a budget. I've offerred them some suggestions. Quit giving away tax payers money to welfare recipients that don't deserve it, pay the people in jail a wage and make them work for the city to pay off their debt, quit paying for free clinics, have the INS come in and deport illegal immigrants
I'm sick and tired of paying taxes out of my pocket to pay for policicos that do not have my interests at heart and want to support people that just want to be supported. Affordable living, section 8 in my mind. That's unfortunate but it's a fact. How does one prevent it from being so? I'm a 61 year old on a fixed retired income and you know what, I can't afford to live in a nice neighborhood and don't attempt to tell me about affording an old folks home. I've vented so move on.


New Member
FOX 5 just reported that in the 2 years since Montgomery County initiated the smoking ban in restaurants, revenue at these restaurants has steadily increased substantially. :yay:


oldman said:
Yes it would be a very mean nation for a while. And how would raising tax on alcohol be anything new? The taxes on cigarattes and alcholol are already out of this world and only going up. Please show me or prove to me that this tax money is going to the prevention of either disease or even that it is going towards the medical costs of either. I'm not saying it isn't, but I haven't read where it is either. In my opinion the money goes to the State to pay for all the give away programs we have, am I wrong? If a person stops smoking mints aren't needed because their breath smells fresh and clean - or is that a soap commercial? N.J. is currently in a shut down because those in charge can't agree to a budget. I've offerred them some suggestions. Quit giving away tax payers money to welfare recipients that don't deserve it, pay the people in jail a wage and make them work for the city to pay off their debt, quit paying for free clinics, have the INS come in and deport illegal immigrants
I'm sick and tired of paying taxes out of my pocket to pay for policicos that do not have my interests at heart and want to support people that just want to be supported. Affordable living, section 8 in my mind. That's unfortunate but it's a fact. How does one prevent it from being so? I'm a 61 year old on a fixed retired income and you know what, I can't afford to live in a nice neighborhood and don't attempt to tell me about affording an old folks home. I've vented so move on.

I don't see where our taxes from cigarettes are going.

After smoking for 43 years... I'm using mints to keep me from eating... that's why I figure they will tax that next....

I agree that people in jail should pay their own way.

I agree with the fact that illegal immigrants are illegal and they need to go home and come back through the system if they want to make a viable contribution to our communities.

I agree that it should be our goal to make all neighborhoods a nice place to live.

I wonder why you aren't saying these things to the candidates in the politics and election forums.... these issues are profound.... :coffee:


In My Opinion
Mikeinsmd said:
FOX 5 just reported that in the 2 years since Montgomery County initiated the smoking ban in restaurants, revenue at these restaurants has steadily increased substantially. :yay:

As a smoker that does not suprise me in the least.
I will always ask for the non smoking section in the restaurant, and in some cases like the Green Turtle in Edgewater, I have walked in, asked for the non smoking section, then when I got to my table and realized that the stench of smoke was just as heavy as it would be in the smoking section, I left.

I dont now or have I ever smoked in the house. Just dont like the smell.


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
FOX 5 just reported that in the 2 years since Montgomery County initiated the smoking ban in restaurants, revenue at these restaurants has steadily increased substantially. :yay:

Revenue may have gone up, Profits have not, otherwise all the chain restaurants would have gone non-smoking across the board, without the aid of legislation.


New Member
hwyman3 said:
Revenue may have gone up, Profits have not, otherwise all the chain restaurants would have gone non-smoking across the board, without the aid of legislation.
Where is the information that profits didn't go up? How can they not go up? Overhead didn't increase substantially.

Revenue increases, OH remains constant = profit increases.

I searched the FOX 5 website for a link but their site leave much to be desired.


In My Opinion
You really want to see the profits soar?
get rid of the cigarettes and then allow smoking pot.

when all those people smoking get the munchies, food will be flying out of that kitchen, the second hand buzz that the non smokers get will increase their consumption also.

pot is good for the food industry.


New Member
bcp said:
You really want to see the profits soar?
get rid of the cigarettes and then allow smoking pot.

when all those people smoking get the munchies, food will be flying out of that kitchen, the second hand buzz that the non smokers get will increase their consumption also.

pot is good for the food industry.
:killingme Ahhhhh... but then you'll have all the stoners trying to drive home and getting in my way. :nono:


Well-Known Member
I can easily see how patronage could increase with a no smoking policy. If the food is good and the beer is cold, why not hold off on the smoke. Probably a large percentage of smokers will stay and non smokers will more than take up the theory anyway.

My favorite restaurant was The Frying Pan in Lusby but the tobacco stench quietly drove me out about 10 years ago. How does it smell now? I'm dien' for that meatloaf, Thursday's, I think. Maybe that was spaghetti night??


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Where is the information that profits didn't go up? How can they not go up? Overhead didn't increase substantially.

Revenue increases, OH remains constant = profit increases.

I searched the FOX 5 website for a link but their site leave much to be desired.

I have no concrete evidence that the profits do not go up, however I base my statement on this:

National chain restaurants have many years of data now with same store performance to show profits before and after going smoke free.

With this data, if they also saw increased profit from the incrased revenue, wouldn't they institute a non-smoking policy store wide, and not have to be forced to do it through legislation? It seems logical that if they made more money being smoke free, then the profit motive would cause them to want to be smoke free across the brand.

I would be interested to see what the profit margin is on alcohol sales vs. food sales. I know people that only smoke when they drink. So, if they can't smoke at the bars, then they may stay home, thus effecting the alcohol sales at the bar. Again, just a thought.


This Space for Rent
Pandora said:
The one thing the government seems to forget is that they shipped cigarettes to the troops during World War II to help the solders calm their nerves. This is how my grandfather became addicted. They helped create the problem.

Yes, because all the public places are just overrun with the large population of WWII vets. :yay:


I really doubt resturants knew what the smoking ban would do.

Smoking keeps people from eating as much (why else would people gain weight when quitting) so maybe since they can't smoke they order dessert. The profit on dessert is outrageous when a single piece of pie is $4.

Resturant buisness is a secular bull market, their stocks are booming right now. The reason is demographic, more two income households with no time to cook, more retired people than ever that have money to eat out, etc.

If this has anything to do with a smoking ban it would really be hard to tell since so many other things are currently in favor of resturants. But they aren't hurting as many thought they would.