I have suffered for years on a very cyclic nature (once a year or so) of waking up in the middle of the night. Usually this passes in about a week or so but this time it is going on three weeks and I am exhausted. Some friends recommended melatonin so I tried it last night. I took one 10 mg tablet about an hour before my normal bed time. Got sleepy and fell asleep easily, but at 3 am I was wide awake. Eventually fell back asleep but couldn't stay asleep more than 15 minutes. Finally gave up trying to sleep around 5 am and am now even more tired.
Anyone have anything else they have tried that works?
Have you and Mom been talking about me!?!

Seriously, no more Ambien for me. Melatonin doesn't work well for me either, so I may try some of the other suggestions here.