Navy’s proposed ban on tobacco sales


Ubi bene ibi patria
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"Lawmakers are taking sides in a debate over whether the U.S. Navy should ban tobacco sales on its ships and bases, with one House Republican last week opposing the plan while several Senate Democrats supported it.

The Navy is considering the restriction as part of a renewed emphasis on the health of sailors and Marines, according to officials. But some members of Congress see the effort as a waste of energy for the department.

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, said in a letter to Navy Secretary Ray Mabus on Friday that the plan distracts from the Navy’s focus on “the threats of the future,” including the U.S. military’s pivot toward a focus on the Pacific.

“Having spent time around Marines and sailors through multiple deployments, I believe there are far more immediate priorities for the Navy and Marine Corps, all of which require your leadership and attention,” the Republican said.

Hunter, a former Marine Corps officer who served two combat tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, also raised concerns that the proposed plan would restrict access to legal products and “intrude on the personal decision-making” of Navy personnel."


New Member
you mean, the Navy's proposed Democrat backed infringement on one's own personal freedom to make adult choices.

But don't look at it like that least not until YOU lose many of...nevermind. You're a slimy lil liberal Democrat. You'll just ignore whichever laws you don't like


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Make the product illegal, then they can ban it. The number of smokers in the Navy is way down and has been for years. What a waste of time and effort.


Well-Known Member
Leave it to progressives to get rid of one of the few sources of tax revenue that folks actually pay voluntarily.