You’ve used this point before and it’s a false assertion.
If you believe in God, you know this world is God’s creation to do with at His will. However, I believe God set nature in motion and nature does its thing according to those laws of nature God created. So he’s not up there pulling strings as to who lives and dies. Sure you could argue that he created a cruel nature that would result in miscarriages and is therefore culpable in those deaths. It is His creation not yours, and this is how He created it. If you reject that, then try to change the rules.
But even if you do claim God is the most prolific abortionist in the history of man (which I find ironic that there is no man without God); if God is wrong in this, how does this justify man and their own abortion record?
If you don’t believe in God, then nature is just doing its thing period. No one to blame but nature.
It appears from your argument that you are at Deist and not a Theist.
If God is Omnipotent and asserts his will in the life of humans, then it follows that the world is not random. The world cannot be random if as a Christian you believe in a personal God that asserts his will constantly in the lives of Christians - and non-Christians alike, albeit negatively in view of most Christians.
There are numerous Biblical references indicating that God is in control of everything. So it appears you pick and choose what you want to believe in the Bible, if you do at all - if you are a Deist, you do not.
But, if you believe in a personal God that answers prayer, your reasoning that he lets randomness decide the course of events in the world is obviously flawed.
As to the point regarding "man's record of abortion"... I would agree that society should discourage abortion for convenience.