Nearly Killed on Vacation


J.F. A sus ordenes!
So there I was doing 80 with traffic on I-95 in North Carolina headed to Disney World when the drivers side rear wheel decided it didn't want to be a part of my truck anymore. I had just got the tires rotated a few days prior at an establishment in Waldorf. Everything points to the nuts not being tightened properly. Service was great but the "kids" working there may have just missed a beat and missed it.

No one was hurt but I sure sucked in some leather during the slide to a stop on the shoulder. Don't know how I didn't get hit by the nearby tractor trailer or the tire took anyone else out. Guess the man upstairs was looking out for us.


OMG!!!!! Thank God you are ok!! Is there a way to prove that it was said establishments fault? Geez I am so glad no one was hurt! :huggy:


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Thanks. Lesson learned that you need to check your nuts before going on vacation!!! :lmao:

Seriously, I always do my own work and this time I let time get away from me and didn't. There is alot of summer left so I hope someone takes note and checks their car or truck carfully before going on a long trip. Could have been planning a funeral or having it planned for me had the tractor trailer got us.

My two year old just asked me if the truck was broken and I told her yes it was. Then she asked if she could help me fix it. Couldn't help but break down in tears after that.


24/7 Single Dad
I've learned that when you have ANY wheel work done at ANY place in SoMD, it's a good idea to check your lug nuts.

Was riding in the back seat of a buddy's car years ago, just sitting there looking out the window. All of a sudden I see a tire rolling down the road beside us. As soon as I say "Where the hell did that tire come from?", the car dropped onto the hub :yikes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Damn! Glad you're okay!

When I worked at Midas years ago, we had a call from an irate brake job customer whose wheel came off on the beltway during rush hour. :faint:


J.F. A sus ordenes!
aps45819 said:
I've learned that when you have ANY wheel work done at ANY place in SoMD, it's a good idea to check your lug nuts.

Was riding in the back seat of a buddy's car years ago, just sitting there looking out the window. All of a sudden I see a tire rolling down the road beside us. As soon as I say "Where the hell did that tire come from?", the car dropped onto the hub :yikes:

I don't have pics here but will post them later. Lost 2 out of 3 studs, the tire, the rim, the disc, the caliper and the tire went under the truck bending the rear quarter of my Expedition so I got raised up some before it dropped on the axle. They are replacing the axle and various suspension pieces. Made my own lovely mark on exit 105 in NC!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
flomaster said:
I don't have pics here but will post them later. Lost 2 out of 3 studs, the tire, the rim, the disc, the caliper and the tire went under the truck bending the rear quarter of my Expedition so I got raised up some before it dropped on the axle. They are replacing the axle and various suspension pieces. Made my own lovely mark on exit 105 in NC!

You are lucky. I know someone that did have a collision on the way to Disney. Had to buy a new van to finish the trip.


I know nothing

Glad your ok...

But you shouldnt have to pay for thier negligent work
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New Member
Damnnn flomaster, glad all are OK! :yay:
Similar thing happened to my uncle/aunt 5 yr. ago-had new tires put on their Crown Vic before taking a road trip-both rear tires came off near Frederick-lost control of vehicle-holding on as tight as possible-ran off the road, down an embankment and ended up in a retention pond-settled out of court. Luckily they both lived to tell!


Nearly killed is always a good thing! Makes ya stand up and appreciate all that is. :huggy:


J.F. A sus ordenes!
MMDad said:
:yeahthat: Here's hoping that is as close as you ever get.

Yeah no kidding. It was a real attention getter. Hard part now is going back to get my truck thats still down there!


New Member
flomaster said:
Yeah no kidding. It was a real attention getter. Hard part now is going back to get my truck thats still down there!

Make the tire rotation company go get it. As far as the "almost getting killed" part, let me say :meow: .



Well-Known Member
i saw this happen years ago; luckingly the driver had just pulled out of the service center and had not gone too far before his wheel decided to come off.

he hadn't quit picked up speed so i wonder if this prevented any damaged.
i still would have been like WTF when i see my tire come rolling along side me.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Ponytail said:
Make the tire rotation company go get it. As far as the "almost getting killed" part, let me say :meow: .


Bite me long hair!!!! Your "MEOW" would hurt too if you sucked up all the leather I did when the tire came off!!! :lmao:

Went to establishment that did my rotation this morning. So far they are very willing to assist me with regard to my expenses. The manager was very nice and actually should me digital video of the operation when my truck was there. They did note a small issue with the tire that actually came off in the video.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
PrchJrkr said:
I'm glad y'all are okay. What a lousy why to start a vacation.:cheers:

True and thank you. On way back the news reported a family heading out on vacation overturned their vehicle on I-95 in Fayettville when a tractor trailer blew by them. They lost their teenage son. I am grateful that I was not in their shoes and pray that that family can get through this trying time.


flomaster said:
True and thank you. On way back the news reported a family heading out on vacation overturned their vehicle on I-95 in Fayettville when a tractor trailer blew by them. They lost their teenage son. I am grateful that I was not in their shoes and pray that that family can get through this trying time.

OMG! You are so lucky! :huggy: to you and your family and prayers to the family above. I cannot even begin to imagine.