Neck pain

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Okay, I have it. When I rotate my neck around, it sounds like sand moving around. Dr. Forumites, name my medical condition!



Neckritis? :lmao: Just joking. Does it hurt? Did you pull it or sleep on it wrong or it just making noise?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Neckritis? :lmao: Just joking. Does it hurt? Did you pull it or sleep on it wrong or it just making noise?

Hell yes, it hurts. It's been going on for a few weeks now. It doesn't hurt when I get up in the a.m., but as the day progresses, it starts aching and just gets worse. I'm old, I guess. :shrug:


Trust me, if it was menangitis, you wouldn't even be looking at your computer because your head would hurt so bad you wouldn't be able to see straight. I've had menangitis, so I know! Maybe it's arthritis? Have you tried any OTC meds? Also, they now how these heat activated wraps for the neck - one time use only. I think 3 comes in a box and they're like $8.99 or some ridiculous amount. You might have strained it without knowing you did so; like a car accident - you don't really *feel* it until the next day. Still on for Cafe Artistes sometime soon?


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
It's the Budgetitus. It comes around this time of year when the freaking budget it due. It'll last until Feb 15. I have it too and it is a royal PAIN IN THE NECK!!!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Trust me, if it was menangitis, you wouldn't even be looking at your computer because your head would hurt so bad you wouldn't be able to see straight. I've had menangitis, so I know! Maybe it's arthritis? Have you tried any OTC meds? Also, they now how these heat activated wraps for the neck - one time use only. I think 3 comes in a box and they're like $8.99 or some ridiculous amount. You might have strained it without knowing you did so; like a car accident - you don't really *feel* it until the next day. Still on for Cafe Artistes sometime soon?

Okay, I have it. When I rotate my neck around, it sounds like sand moving around. Dr. Forumites, name my medical condition!


Welcome to the club. I have spurs on my neck combined with arthritis that press on the nerve cords. Not fun. An x-ray would show if you have anything like that, which is very possible given you age, you old fart.

As someone pointed out, synovial fluid moving around can make weird noises, too.

And to top it off, I ripped a muscle in my neck last week, couldn't move without major spasm. Still hurts, still can't turn my head to the left.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Welcome to the club. I have spurs on my neck combined with arthritis that press on the nerve cords. Not fun. An x-ray would show if you have anything like that, which is very possible given you age, you old fart.

As someone pointed out, synovial fluid moving around can make weird noises, too.

And to top it off, I ripped a muscle in my neck last week, couldn't move without major spasm. Still hurts, still can't turn my head to the left.

Well, MINE hurts worse than yours.:lmao: