Need a Diet/Exercise buddy or Club


New Member
I pay $35 a month. That includes all of the classes and childcare etc.My husband is active duty so we did not have to pay an initiation fee or anything.


Kiss my Ass
Hawkeyewife said:
I pay $35 a month. That includes all of the classes and childcare etc.My husband is active duty so we did not have to pay an initiation fee or anything.

This is not the one in Leonardtown is it? Last time I checked there I seem to recall it was something well over $50 per month. That was the last time I stepped in the door.

BTW Angel - Check you pms. :flowers:


100% Goapele Head!
I'm not a SAHM but I am always looking for an unofficial walking club crew weekday evenings that would meet at about 6pm. I don't mind if you bring a baby in a stroller or a pooch on a leash or if you can do 30mins, or certain days etc.Things will come up and that's what makes a group better than 2-buddy system but I will take a 1-buddy to start.

I will meet anywhere between Leonardtowm and Ridge at a safe location like a school parkiing lot or local park. Not that comfortable with walking along side the road on the shoulder.

PM me if interested. :flowers:


New Member
I signed up at the Lexington Park location back in November when it was still Profitness. I am not sure if the rates went up when it changed to World Gym, but I still pay my old rate.


Ange1icflowers said:
I try to walk, but I seem to keep getting these SEVERE hip/sciatic nerve pains that start in my LOW LOW back by my hips, and shoot down my legs. Not fun.

Sciatica in women both during and after pregnancy is not uncommon. Let me try to explain...actually, screw that. LOL Go to this link and I'll try to summarize:

What I generally tend to deal with in my practice is what I call "Mom Sciatica" of the Piriformis Syndrome variety. The nerve grouping gets sandwiched between the Obturator Foramen (it's a hole for the nerve and other stuff to run through) and the inflamed Piriformis.

See...think of the human body in mechanical terms. We have our "plumbing" which is our blood and endocrine system. We have our structural system which is our bones. We have our "locomotion" which is our muscles that act as levers and pulleys. And we have our "electrical wiring" which is our nervous system.

What happened is that your "raw wiring" (Sciatic Grouping) was doing just fine all nestled on it's own and in it's proper place. Then came the baby and the weight gain all crowding the space into your pelvic bowl. Then add the inflamed Piriformis (inflamed from bearing the extra weight and overuse) and all of the sudden that "raw wiring" is being rubbed up against the bone of the Obturator Foramen and the electric signal is interrupted.

In my neighborhood we have one set of powerlines. That means whenever some drunk slob habitually crashes his truck into the said powerline pole up the road, the entire neighborhood goes black. Because the current is interrupted. This is why the painful sensation runs down your leg or both your legs depending on where the Sciatic Nerve is impinged. The signal/current is interrupted from the point of impingement ALLLLLL the way down.

In short...Sciatica is the Funny Bone's thugged out cousin that just got out of prison and wants revenge on you for ratting him out. If you're masochistic enough, you can recreate a facsimile of the Sciatica scenario by prolongingly jamming your elbow into the corner of a table or counter very hard. At first, you get the funny bone sensation...then it really starts to freaking hurt...then you lose sensation. Now imagine that in your legs, folks. Something with a fairly simple cause can cause some quite debilitating effects.

I'd recommend that you find where the impingement is from your doctor. Then either have them treat it or find a competent and Certified/Licensed Massage Therapist to do concentrated Sciatic strokes specifically created to deal with Sciatica during your Glute work.

Understand that taking the weight off can have a profound effect on this condition and use that as something to motivate your weight loss. Trust me. I've lost 50lbs since the beginning of this year and it's made a big difference in my overall health. Good luck to you, hun. :)


New Member
Trinity Fitness

Stephen is right. Some stretching combined with the kind of soft tissue work he is recommending would do wonders for the sciatica. A little strengthening for the pelvic area would be in order too.

Big Fatty

Foam Rollers and other props for SMR (Self-Myofascial Release) work wonders as well. Cheap too.


New Member
You used to be able to buy the short foam rollers at Dick's. I have not seen any in there lately. Tennis ball works well. If you cut a small slit in the tennis ball, you can squeeze it and open it up. Then fill it with water and stick in the freezer. A few hours later you get something you can use for SMR that will ice away any inflammation as well.


New Member
I would love to have a buddy, and I go to the World Gym in Leonardtown. PM me if you still need some help. I have about 40lbs to lose, so we can work on it together. :howdy:


Sorry I missed this I would love to run with you. I went from 233 to 145 in 7 months eating right and working out. I run daily now so PM me...


Well-Known Member
hborror said:
Sorry I missed this I would love to run with you. I went from 233 to 145 in 7 months eating right and working out. I run daily now so PM me...
Thats great :huggy: good job. What does/did your work out consist of?


lovinmaryland said:
Thats great :huggy: good job. What does/did your work out consist of?

I have the Tai fit DVD 30 minute workout then I ran for 15 minutes, after 3 months of that I stoped the Tai fit and just ran 4 miles 4 times a week. NOW I am running 2 miles a day. I am going to run a special olympics marathon to raise money in the spring so I am training for that.